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"IF YOU HURT HIM I SWEAR TO GOD ILL KILL YOU, ILL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU" I could feel everyone's eyes on me, waiting for my reaction. Its the only thing that stopped me from completely breaking down.

"Please. Don't hurt him. You have me. Let that be enough" ava turned and ran from the room.

"хахаха, тот факт, что она знала его, боготворила его, делает это лучше. что она проходила мимо этой двери и не обращала внимания на доносящиеся отсюда крики. это только делает все к лучшему" it was faint, quiet, whispered in the background.

"Tony, go back" he looked at me confused, he hadn't heard it.

"Go back like 5 seconds. Someone says something in Russian. It might help us find her. Go back" he rewinded the clip and isolated the sound. It came through clearer this time but none of us could understand it

"JARVIS translate it"

"hahaha, the fact that she knew him, idolized him, makes this better. The fact that she passed this door and ignored the screams coming from here. It makes this better "

I looked at tony. We know where she is. We have to go and get her.

"Steve....we cant just run in there and take her, its going to be crawling with merciless assassins. We cant. We need a plan. A good one"

"I have to try tony" I turned to leave the room, grabbing my shield on the way out. I was half way out the door when tony pulled me back.

"We need a plan of attack. You cant just march in there."

"I have a plan. Attack"


"Do you have a better plan!?"

"Yes. Go and get Ava and I'll tell you it"

I ran up the stairs and knocked on Avas door.

"What" she sounded extremely mad.

"Tony wants you downstairs, he has a plan to save Natasha. Come on"

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now