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Natasha came wandering over to me from the dance floor. She looked upset and comically grumpy.

"What's up Natasha" she plopped down onto a chair beside me and crossed her arms.

"Nothing" she huffed.

"Natasha?" She refused to say anything about it until she had had a few more drinks and was quite drunk, which was definitley a bad idea. She burst into tears and started mumbling through a story that I pretended to understand knowing full well she'll have forgotten this entire evening tomorrow.

She rested her head on the table and Steve walked over, laughing at Natasha's position.

"What happened?" He tried to calm himself down enough to try tell me the story.

"So, we were dancing....and everything was fine.....and then.....she asked if....if I was single....and when I told her I was engaged.....she started to cry and...and ran away before I could tell her t-t-that I was engaged to her." He managed to get out between laughs. He clutched at his chest, laughing so hard that I could've sworn he was drunk.

Evan came staggering over and slid in beside Steve, opposite me. Slapping his hand against Steves shoulder. Wheezing. I looked across to the two men.

"Nice to see you two getting along" I glared at the pair

Natasha popped her head up. Her hair covering most of her face "can I punch him Stevie?"

She didn't get an answer because Steve started crying of laughter. Natasha stood up and tried to walk away, probably to find the guy she wanted to punch. Steve was too busy dying in the corner to stop her so I quickly stood up and guided her back to our table. Pushing her in first so she wouldn't be able to escape again. She whined in the corner and sat back in the booth. Murmuring something about some guy and how she wanted to punch him so hard in the face he'd have to stick a toothbrush up his arse to brush his teeth. I let out an exasperated sigh.

I reached into my bag and pulled out my car keys. I handed them to natasha. She happily accepted. She started fidgeting with them in the corner. I turned back to the two teenage boys sitting opposite me. Evan was spluttering through some story that Steve was finding hilarious.



"You're not even drunk. Its literally impossible for you to be drunk. Stop acting like a four year old and help me get your fiancée home. Jeez I feel like I'm looking after a bunch of toddlers, between Natasha literally trying to start a bar fight, Evan barely able to breath over there and you're hyper as fuck and literally crying. Holy fuck Steve act your age not your shoe size" i whisper yelled.

"Ahhh, I'm just having some fun. Drunk Nat is a difficult person to get a hold of. I'm just enjoying it while it lasts. Look, I'll take care of her, you need another drink. Come on Natty, lets go dance" she jerked her head up again.

"Yes." She said it as if it was the answer to all her questions. Like she needed one thing to piece everything in her life back together again, and Steve had just suggested it. He held out a hand and she took it. Dropping my keys on the table. She wriggled out of the booth and he led her back to the dance floor. They started to dance.

Considering how drunk Natasha was I was expecting drunken messy movements. But I was wrong. But she was always a dancer at heart. Whenever a song came on she would automatically start moving to it. Immediately finding the rhythm and grace to the song. She was taught to dance from a young age. Her body knew how to flow. I laughed at Steve's stiff movements with her. He on the other hand, had no clue how to dance.

The two were quite the pair. They were definitely a match made in heaven. Polar opposites, but the same.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now