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I visited as often as i was allowed, it still wasn't enough time. When i was there she was rarely awake. I tried my best not to wake her, she needed all the rest she could get in order to fully recover.

She talks in her sleep, its cute, often times nonsense and sometimes about me or her brother,Flynn and sometimes about the mission

It kills me hearing her mumble her way through her plan, knowing what happens, how it ends. It pains me to know how she lives through it so often. Again and again the same thing. Mission, plan, gun, traitor, Natasha, boom, hospital. Mission, plan, gun, traitor, Natasha, boom, hospital.

But this time was different. It had been 8 days since the first time she woke up and called my name. Her mumblings always followed the same patterns. Just one word every 5 minutes or so. Same emotions portrayed on her face every time. But today she seemed a lot more panicked.

The words she was saying turned into sentences.
" we have a new mission"
"I have a plan, but its dangerous"
"He has a gun, why does he have a gun, that's not part of the plan"
"I trusted you, you were on our team"

Her body was responding to her words twitches and jerks. She said my name, she sounded so afraid, a singular tear ran down her cheek. It felt like someone had ripped my heart out and threw it on the floor. I wanted to help her but I didn't know how. I reached for her hand holding it tight in my own, tears streaming down my face. I stood up and brushed the tears off Avas face with my thumb and ran my fingers through her hair.

She suddenly yanked her hand away. It was a movement so sudden, there was no warning, i jumped back, but quickly regained control, i dried my tears and sat down on the bed beside her. My eyes automatically searching her face for any sign of movement. Her body went limp.

I took up her hand again holding it in both of my own and whispered " please Ava wake up for me"

I sat beside her for a few more hours before the guard came in to tell me it was time to go, as usual i protested to stay but he wouldn't listen. When he looked at me and saw the single traitorous tear run down my face he agreed to let me stay for five more minutes. I wiped away the tear annoyed at myself for letting it fall

When i turned i saw another tear run down Avas face, her brow pulled together in a look of worry and fear, i went to wipe away her tear but many more followed it. Soon both her face and my hand were covered in her tears. She suddenly screamed and bolted up. I was panicked, i was surprised, i was paralysed, but only for a few seconds i pulled her into me, letting her cry into my shoulder soothing her, stoking her hair

Whispering "its alright, you're okay, its over now, I'm here, you're safe with me"

A nurse ran in when she heard Ava scream and pried me away. Ava screamed and protested so the restraints were put back on her. I was escorted out of the room, I didn't argue too much because it hurt me to see her having to be restrained

I was brought through the maze of a hospital. I wasn't really focusing on what was going on, my mind was too busy worrying about Ava. What happened this time that was so different. What changed? What caused it? Will she be ok? Should i go back?

I wasn't paying attention but my body was on autopilot. My mind snapped back to my current surroundings when we made a wrong turn. The guard put a hand on my back and pushed me forward. I pretended I didn't notice the wrong turn and kept walking around to the back of the hospital where i was met by 4 more guards.

I was about to lunge for the guard closest when i noticed a familiar face, lurking in the background was Flynn, Avas brother

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