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We all sat together for the next half an hour drinking and laughing and even dancing a bit. At this stage we were all very drunk, none of us would remember any of this in the morning. Shuri, Valkyrie and Gamora had already left and Pepper was only staying to make sure none of us did anything dangerous. We all dispersed a bit as we went to get more drinks and some of the girls went dancing.



Natasha walked up beside me as I stood at the bar. She looked at me for a second and then cocked her head slightly.

"You know, you've always timidated me" you could tell she was drunk by her relaxed demeanour and slightly slurred speech.

"What?" I smiled at her as a confused expression took over her face and she tried to make her mouth move in a somewhat normal way.

"You've always timidated me" she struggled to say intimidated properly.

"ME!!! Timidate you!!! You're the timidating one, you're so freakishly strong. Like you look so small and cute and then you just whip around and bam you're on the floor!!!" to be fair, I was just as drunk as her. And apparently I also couldn't say intimidated.

"Pfft please, I would definitely loose in a fight gainst you" she pointed at me and giggled a little bit.

"No way! You would definitely win. You're so small and nimble you'd like....I wouldn't even be able to see you you'd just appear and knock me down" I teetered slightly and Natasha tried to steady me but instead, the two of us ended up teetering to the left. She looked up at me again and squinted.

"You're scary" she concluded before taking the drink she had ordered and walking off to find Ava, stumbling through the large crowd.



I looked around the crowded bar to see if I could find Wanda. Natasha strutted past me and then backed up again.

"Heyyy!!! I know you!" She chuckled quietly.


"I know you" she whispered.

"Hi Natasha" she giggled quietly.

"...hey Addison?"


"Why are we whispering" I looked around the room and thought for a second.

"I don't know" I said in a normal voice. Natashas eyes shot wide open.

"Sushhh" she put her finger to her lips and then put it to mine "whisper!!" We giggled like two schoolgirls.

"I like you. You're fun..." she gasped excitedly as she remembered something "I have a secret" her face lit up and she got all excited.

"Oooo a secret!" Her voice dropped into an even quieter whisper.

"I think Wanda likes you a lil bit.....but sushhhhh, I didn't tell you that." She nodded to herself and I giggled excitedly.

"Where is Wanda?" She looked around a little.

"Thataway.....or maybe thataway" she pointed in two opposite directions and we giggled again.

"I'll go this go that way"

"Ok....sush...whisper....secret mission" she winked at me and then crept off in the the direction in which she pointed and I crept off in the other.



I spotted a familiar red head walking around the edge of the room and walked over to her.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now