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"How about you Natasha, what does your future look like?" She stopped laughing and lowered her head, she started fidgeting her hands, lost deep in thought. She looked so distant, her eyes glazed over. She was elsewhere, she was in a world of her own, thinking about her future. I looked up to Steve, he held her hand tightly.

"Natasha?" She snapped out of her trance and looked at him.

"I, I don't know" she smiled at him, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Just then a nurse walked in and Natasha followed him out for her physio, smiling at me as she passed me. I looked to steve and we shared a look of confusion. I shook my head to clear it and stood up, pulling my coat on.

"Come on, we only have an hour" I walked out of the room and Steve followed me.

We both stayed silent on the walk to the jeweller. What was she not telling us? No, I'm going crazy, nothings going on. She's fine. I pushed the worrying thoughts about Natasha to the back of mind when we walked into the small jewellery store.

"Ah welcome back sir. Have you decided on a ring?" The jeweller reached under the counter and pulled out 3 small boxes, opening each in turn. The first box had a small simple but beautiful ring. It was rose gold and had a small pinkish jewel in the middle, with smaller white gems surrounding it

Ring one:

I stared at the ring for a moment, entranced by it

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I stared at the ring for a moment, entranced by it. It took my breath away. The jeweller and steve chuckled at my reaction as I lifted the box gently to get a closer look. Once I was finished inspecting it I turned to the second box. The jeweller opened it with a flourish. The second ring was silver with 3 small white gems clustered together, the band had more smaller jewels decorating it

Ring two:

This ring was equally beautiful, the jewels sparkled in the sun, creating a pretty rainbow on the wall behind me

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This ring was equally beautiful, the jewels sparkled in the sun, creating a pretty rainbow on the wall behind me. I lifted the ring box looking at it closely. It was so pretty it left me speechless. I put the ring down and just stood there for a minute before turning my attention to the third ring box. It was opened and I looked at steve with my eyebrows raised.

"Really. For natasha?"

It was a gold band with 5 jewels around the front, it was extravagent, but it wasn't Natasha.

Ring three:

He looked at the ring again

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He looked at the ring again

"Yeah i dont know why I chose that one, I mean it's beautiful, but its not very...nat"

I looked back to the other rings being surprised by their beauty again. I turned to Steve.

"What do you think?" I lifted the first one, admiring it and Steve leant over the second holding it in his hands.

He looked to the one I was holding, and back to the one he had,

"I think that one" he nodded to the one I held. "But i don't know, I don't want to screw this up. What do you think?" He sounded flustered, as if he was worried about wether or not I'd agree with him.

I chuckled at him, "I think this one too. It pretty, without being too over the top." I handed the ring box to Steve and he smiled down at it. He looked up at the jeweller and nodded.

The jeweller put the other two rings away and put the ring we chose in the back of the store, he talked to Steve for a bit as I wandered around the store looking at different rings and necklaces.

"Ready to head back? Nat should be done physio soon." I turned and followed him out, waving to the jeweller.

"How long did it take you to narrow it down to those three?"

"Well, I first visited that store about a month ago, so a month" I laughed at him

"She'll love it"

As we walked back to the hospital, I annoyed Steve with questions about his plan. When we reached the door to the hospital he shot me a look that said if you tell nat I'm going to kill you I laughed again and walked in in front of him. We walked to Natasha's room and waited for her to come back.

"O, just so you know. If you hurt her, I'll break you" i smiled at him, innocently and he chuckled at me

"You're a mini nat. Did you know that?"

"That's a compliment" he laughed at me again and when nat came back in she smiled at the two of us

"What were you 2 talking about?"

Steve glanced at me and I stared at him for a moment, a smile spreading across my face, I looked at Natasha.

"O you know random things, how was physio?" I looked back to Steve as Natasha went to sit on the edge of the bed. I enjoyed having the ability to make him squirm by simply talking to Natasha.

After a while we started chatting about random things, waiting for Natasha to be discharged.

"Hey Steve, what's your favourite movie?"

"Ummm, oooo thats a hard one, i really liked the whole revenges series though. How about you?"

"That is very true, that was a great series. O but you know what movie I really like, lord of the rings, or I like 27 dresses" I looked at steve and suppressed a laugh as he glared at me. I looked to Natasha.

"How about you?"

"I dont really know, I dont really watch too many movies. I do have a favourite actress though"

"Ooooo who?"

"Scarlett johansson"

"Oo I like her too, she's soooo pretty"

Steve looked blank. "Really steve? How do you not know her? Natasha how are you dating someone who doesn't know who Scarlett johansson is?"

"I know what we're doing this evening. Get ready for some binge watching steve" we laughed at him as he realised what he had walked into. He sat back in his chair and sighed.

A nurse walked in a few minutes later

"Right, ms.Romanoff? Its time for you to head home again" nat picked up her bag and followed the nurse to sign whatever papers and Steve and I followed her out. We went down to the hospital entrance waiting for Natasha to come back so we could finally leave.

She strolled down the hall, straight passed us and stepped outside into the street. She looked around and then turned to us,

"Just a loud as I remembered" I laughed at her and the three of us set out, down the busy streets of new York

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