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We stumbled down the halls leaning on each other for support and randomly falling into peels of laughter. When we fell through the door to the crowded club we tried our best to hide our drunken giddiness. We strutted to the bar.....well, at least we think we strutted, and ordered two appletinis. Natasha pulled the 'bride to be!!' sash off and put it on me. We both looked at it for a second and started laughing.

"Who're you getting married to bride" Natasha giggled excitedly. I looked at the sash and thought for a second.


"Yay!" She staggered to the right slightly as she threw her arms up in celebration. I gave her a quick kiss and she giggled again.

"No! No! No!....I'm a married woman" she stood back slightly and put her hands on her hips. A serious expression attempting to outpower the drunken smile on her face.

"Who's your husband Mrs married to someone thats not me"

"Uhhh... ummm...Shmaptain Ashmerica??" She thought for a second and then nodded to herself.

"Reven Stogers......Steven Stogers! my husband...Rogers" her eyes were closed the entire time and her nose scrunched in concentration.

"Mmhmmm....and I'm the queen of England" I stated and she stared at me.

"What!! Really?!!" She slammed her hands down on the table.

"Yup" I simply nodded and turned forward in my chair.

"Can I have some tea!!!!"

"No!!" I whipped my head around to face her, outraged that she had asked for some tea, as if it was a crown Jewell!!

"Why not!"

"Cuz Tasha!'re not english" her face fell for a second and then contorted into one of confusion. She leant closer and whispered to me,

"But neither are you"

"Yes but thats okay cuz I'm the queen" she nodded.

"Ok" We both sat together pretty satisfied with our crazy conversation drinking our apple martinis until a loud voice boomed around the club

"Alright alright alright everybody, its time for our nightly lil dance competition, so grab a partner and get on out there, and remember, best dancers get a prize!!!" I shared a look with Nat and we both quickly finished our drinks and rushed out to the shitty square of stick on glitter tiles that they called a dance floor. In fairness 10 seconds ago I fully believed I was the queen of England...IVE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO FUCKING ENGLAND!!!

We were among about eight other drunken duos on the floor, and we were without a doubt the drunkest. I spotted Okoye in the corner of the room sitting with Pepper, both of them embarrassed enough for all of us. I grabbed Natasha's hands and wrapped them around my waist while I placed mine around her neck. We danced quite innocently for a while until 'boys' by Lizzo came on.

We both got ridiculously excited and it was as if the rest of the club faded away as we danced like two absolute idiots, yelling the lyrics at each other and screaming so loud it hurt our throats, singing into imaginary microphones. We definitely looked like we were having a stroke but neither of us cared, we were having way to much fun to give a shit. We were also drunk as fuuuck and we all know alcohols most famous quote,

"You can dance" - alcohol

Ah...beautiful quote innit.

We were so invested that when the next song came on we were equally as invested. Having now fully committed to this dance thing we both had zero fucks to give. Its not like we were ever going to meet any of these people again, and we were both far too drunk to actually hold any memory of tonight. So, as this more typical club track came on, we both got into it.

Natasha grabbed my hips and spun me around so my back was to her. She pulled me back into her body and guided my hips to move with hers. I threw my head back in laughter and it landed on her shoulder. I threw my hands in the air in pure joy and laughed with her. Once I regained a little control I played a quick kiss on her cheek and tried my hardest to move my hips with hers, failing miserably and losing control again, laying my head on her shoulder.

Natasha laughed at my attempt and tried to tell me how to properly dance with my ass. She chuckled as I tried imitate her. She laughed again and though I couldn't see it, I know she rolled her eyes.

"Here, I'll show you" she turned me to face her and then turned around herself. She put my hands on her waist and started moving her hips. She was somehow perfectly in time to the music without even trying. She leant her head back on my shoulder and I saw that her eyes were closed. Her hands were in her hair and her body was basically in an 's' shape. Her head against my shoulder and her ass pressed back against my hips. Her back arched out pushing out her chest.

She looked sexy as fuck.

She pulled her head off my shoulder and leant forward slightly. She held my hands against her hips and then pulled them more forward towards her stomach as she danced.

"See Ava, its not that you try" she spun us around again and tried to get me into some sort of a rhythm. Giving up when I couldn't keep it up when she let go of my hips. She leant forward and whispered in my ear.

"Just try spell your name with your ass" she stood up straight again and I laughed. I took a deep breath and focussed. Trying to follow her instructions.

"In cursive doll" I could hear the smirk in her voice and swatted at her, giggling and opening my eyes. I got into my own little rhythm. Completely ignoring the song that was playing. I laughed and danced with Natasha as I tried my best to not miserably fail and look as sexy as she did.

I stood up straight and turned around. Her hands were still on my waist and I draped mine around hers.

"Jesus fuck I'm tired" she giggled at me and spun me in a circle. "Your turn Nattie" I spun her around so her back faced me and held her hips to stop her turning around again. She sighed and then laughed a little.

"Fine....your highness"

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