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Where could she be. Why didn't she call me..... shit my phones still at home i have to go get it. I hope Flynn's already left I can't face him right now. I can't believe he kissed me, ugghhhh.

Ok ok ok phone where's my phone. I let myself in quietly and heard someone in the kitchen i stood beside the door and listened

"No she has no clue, she's trying to find Ava. Mmhmm yeah ok. Ill see you there. Make sure you remember no one can know our plan, if one person knows, shell find out, she's smart. Ok well meet at 2 at the airport. Bye"

I ran up to my room and closed the door as quietly as possible, i grabbed a pen and paper to scribble out a note. Where can i put it where Ava will find it but he won't. Think, ugh i have no time. I put it under my pillow and prayed he wouldn't check. I grabbed a gun and some ammo, checked the dagger on my belt and stood up to leave my room. I crept down the hall and listened at the door. He was still there. One. Two. Three. I cracked the door open and threw in a light grenade i ran in after and flipped the table for cover i could hear him groaning, but what I wasn't expecting was for the door to be kicked in 8 or 9 guys ran into my house. They all paraded into the kitchen and all hell broke loose. There were things flying everywhere.

I shot down three of the stronger looking men and counted out 5 guys left there were 2 to my right and three to my left. Flynn must have ran. I ran at the guys on the left using my dagger to ground them, slashing behind they're knees. There were three left one beside me and two I couldn't see. I started fighting the guy beside me. I nearly had him out when someone else surfaced with a chair

He brought the chair down on my back causing me to fall off the first guy

"ED GET THE BAG AND THE TIES" he yelled out foolishly

Someone ran out of the room leaving me with 2 to deal with, the first was bigger but more tired, the second was light and spry. I lunged at the smaller guy using him to block blows from the bigger guy, but i got distracted, another chair came down on my head sending me to the floor, I couldn't see properly and it sounded like i was underwater.

A bag was pulled over my head, and my hands were tied back

"Wow good job ed tha......" the smaller guy said slowly fading out of earshot

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