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We walked into the small ring and he grinned at me, "ready?"

"Are you?"

He aimed a light punch at my solar plexus, just below my chest. I caught his fist with an iron grip and flipped his body over mine. Before he could even blink, he was lying on the ground and i was, quite literally, on top of him

"That's called a judo flip" a grin spread across my face, i climbed off him and reached out my hand, he took it reluctantly

"For the record, i was going easy on you" he turned to me as he prepared to fight once again.

"Well, i hope that taught you not to go easy on me"

I made the first move this time, throwing my fist in the direction of his jaw, he saw it coming and quickly ducked out of the way, aiming a punch to my stomach causing me to stumble back a few steps. He stood up straight, a look of satisfaction on his face. I laughed at him and his face fell

"God this feels good!" I flashed a wide smile at him. I hadn't been training in ages and it felt good to have somewhere to focus my energy

He aimed another punch, at my face this time, not wanting to make the same mistake of going for my solar plexus. His face contorted into an annoyed expression as i blocked his punch with my forearm,

"Trying to ruin the face now are we?" I jumped up lightly and sent a powerful kick towards his chest.

"Bold move. Glad you're not going easy on me anymore"

He stumbled backwards trying to catch the breath i had knocked out of him. He swiped his feet at me, attempting to trip me. "You don't make it east to go easy on you" i flipped over his legs instead of falling to the ground like he expected, then pulled a similar move. I kicked towards his shin, just hard enough to throw him off balance, then punched him in the jaw.

"That's kind of the point" he frowned at me and threw another punch. I caught it easily and pulled his body towards mine, bringing my knee up to his solar plexus. I missed by a millimetre but i imagine it still hurt.

"You're strong, but you're slow" i spoke in a mocking tone stepping back a little.

I spun around and attempted a back kick, anticipating the move he caught my foot, but was caught off guard for probably the hundredth time today as i used this to give myself leverage. I managed to swing my body up until both of my legs were wrapped around his neck. I kept my grip tight and swung back, doing a half backflip, my momentum pulling his body behind me. He found himself back in the same position he was in earlier.

From his position on the ground, the only place he could look was up, straight into my vivid green eyes which were staring straight back down into his bright blue eyes. Instead of forming a smirk, this time, i felt my lips part slightly. As blue locked with green, i could swear i noticed the same feeling reflected in his ocean blue eyes.

For a moment, all i could see, hear and smell....was him

We stayed there for a few moments before i was snapped out of my trance at the sound of someone snickering in the corner. I jumped off of him retreating to a bench and picking up a water bottle.

He slowly got up after me, and turned to the stranger in the corner.

"That's the first time I've seen anyone beat you Steve, and by a girl who's at least half your size!" he walked up to the tall blonde, who's name was Steve apparently.

"Shut up" he pushed past him laughing.

"You're talented miss........I'm sorry, i don't know you're name"

"Romanoff. Natasha Romanoff"

"I'm tony, tony stark" he smiled at me and held out his hand, i shook it quickly

"Nice to meet you mr stark" with that i turned to leave

"Natasha. Will i see you here tomorrow?" I turned to look back at Steve, our eyes locked and i felt my lips beginning to form into a smile.

"Sure" i turned quickly before he noticed my smile, and raced up the stairs.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now