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"Nat if you don't hurry we're gonna miss it"

"Mmhmm. Hey come here and help me with the zipper would you?" I walked down to our room and over to Natasha. She was in a cute flowy, floral dress with a high neckline. She pulled her hair over to the side and I grabbed the zip.

"UP Steve"

"Umm, right" she laughed at me and turned around to give me a quick kiss before walking around me and out the door.

"Steve, if you don't hurry we're gonna miss it" I could hear the sound of her heels on the floor of the hall. I grabbed her bag, which she had left on the small bench on the end of our bed, and followed her out.

"Where's my...."

"Here" I handed her the small purse an she opened it on her way to the car. I pulled the door shut as she got into the car. She pulled some lipstick out of her small bag and started applying the nude shade to her full, rosy lips using the rear view mirror. I rolled my eyes and sat into the car beside her

"I don't get girls"

"Well you might want to start understanding us because you're marrying one. What don't you 'get'"

"You have straight hair, you curl it. You have curly hair, you straighten it. You have rosy lips, you put on nude lipgloss. You have nude lips, you put on pink lipgloss. You have freckles, you try to hide them. You don't have freckles, you give yourself faux freckles. I don't understand"

"O well thats easy to understand. Its the difference. You want something thats not your....ordinary. I straighten my hair because its something new every now and then. Something different. Plus, I think it looks nice. I put on faux freckles because I think freckles are cute, but I don't have any. That's something I rarely do though, but today, the faux freckles fit with the whole vibe I'm going for. I put on a nude lipstick because it goes better with my outfit. That's just a fact. Now come on, lets get going, we can't be late. Tony would kill us"

I started the car and pulled out onto the road. We were in the navy 1971 Rolls-Royce Corniche Convertible that tony had gifted us when we moved in together. He gave it to us as if it was nothing, like it was a new toaster. I had brought the top down before nat had gotten into the car. It was a beautiful sunny day. Nat pulled a pair of sun glasses out of her bag. I internally cursed at myself for not bringing my own and continued squinting in the sunlight.

Nat chuckled and reached her hand into her bag again producing a pair of my sunglasses.

"What else is in that magical bag of yours" she gave me a mysterious smile.

"That's for me to know, and you, to not" she turned on the radio and fiddled with the dials until 'are you ready for love' came on. She turned up the volume and we drove the winding country roads till we arrived outside the small shop. Stark had insisted on us making a day out of it. He booked out the whole shop for 2 hours.

I got out of the car and walked around to Natasha's side. I pulled open her door and held out my hand for her. She gave me a look that said ok, calm down Prince Charming but took my hand none the less. She linked her arm through mine and we walked into the small cake shop.

It was small and cute, nice and cozy. There was a small table in the middle of the shop that had been cleared and set. I walked over and pulled out a chair for Natasha. She rolled her eyes but smiled and sat down.

A man with a checked apron walked out of a back room.

"Ah, bonjour, monsieur et mademoiselle. Are we ready to try some gateaux?" It was in a thick but enthusiastic french accent.

"Ah salut, oui bien sûr que nous le sommes, j'ai hâte" I looked over to Natasha, surprised by her flawless french. She winked at me. Wow, there is so much I love about this woman. I chuckled as the waiter disappeared behind a door.

"How many languages do you know?"

"Mmmmm, more than you" she smiled at me and the waiter walked back out with a small plate with some cake on it.

Natasha's phone started to ring and she dug it out of her bag. She checked the caller I.D and let out a frustrated sigh, she gave me a quick smile and stood up. Walking over to the door and answering her phone on the way out.

"Yes, thats me.....what do you mean?!?, its the 28th" the door closed behind her and she started pacing around in front of the store. She sat down at one of the outdoor tables and grabbed a napkin. She started writing on it and held it up to the window

Sorry, problem with the caterer and dates, I'll fix it. I'm going to head down the street to the small coffee shop. Be right back. I love you.

She gave me another quick smile and I blew her a kiss. She took of down the street with a strong and confident stride. I laughed quietly to myself. I wasn't worried at all. If any one could sort this out, it was Natasha. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through the 57 messages tony had sent me since I had last checked my phone.

Around 5 minutes later Natasha was back with her usual decaf caramel frappe. She was still on the phone with the caterer. Judging by the smile on her face, she had fixed the problem. She laughed at something and then hung up, she turned towards the door and came inside. Sipping on her frappe as she opened the door.

"Merci pour votre patience" she waved to the waiter and gave me a quick kiss.

"All sorted?"

"All sorted" she confirmed

She walked around the table back to her seat when she paused, using the table to steady herself. Her hands went to her stomach and she let out a small pained scream.

"Nat!" I jumped out of my chair and stood behind her, trying to keep her up. She collapsed into my arms and lost consciousness. I lay her down gently.

"Hey, Nat, hey, come back to me Nat" it sounded like I was trying to coax her back into consciousness. I took off my coat and folded it up. I lifted her head and placed my coat underneath it.

I grabbed my phone off the table and called tony, putting the phone on speaker and leaving it on the floor.

"Hey capsicle, what up?"

"Its Natasha. She collapsed. I don't know why so don't ask"

"O um ok. You still at the cake shop?"


"Ok, call an ambulance but tell them to come here ok? Ill be waiting with Bruce. You follow in your car ok?"

"Um yeah ok. Ill see you soon" I hung up on tony and dialled 999.

The ambulance was there in a matter of minutes.

"Take her to stark tower ok?" The nodded and got Natasha on a gurney and into the ambulance. They took off down the road and I ran out to my car.

I drove down to stark tower and didn't spot the ambulance once. 'Jeez, they were fast' I pulled in and ran up to the door to be greeted by tony and Bruce.

"Where is she?"

"What do you mean where is she? She's not here yet"

" but the ambulance left before me. She should be here already. This place isn't exactly a hard place to find"

"Steve. I need you to tell me exactly what happened"

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