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I could hear loud screams echoing through the building. Every scream made me flinch and recoil further into the corner. After around, I don't know, half an hour. The door opened and two men walked down the stairs, carrying Natasha between them. They threw her to the floor and secured her in place. Her face was covered in a light sweat and her hair was sticking to her neck and face.

Her dress had been ripped and was stained red by blood. Her lip was split and there was blood falling down her temple. There was bruising around her left eye. Before they left, they lit a candle, bringing more light into the room. Natasha's head lolled back and revealed her neck, which was covered in dark purple bruises.

The fabric of the dress around her neck had been shredded, revealing a deep cut just above her collar bone, and swelling around the bone.

"What did they do to you?" Even though I said it out loud, I knew I wouldn't get an answer.

I pulled against my restraints, unsurprisingly, the wouldn't give, not even a few centimetres. I let out a frustrated grunt and pulled again. I yelled at the ropes out of frustration. I looked over to Natasha, and took a deep breath.

Come on Colin, you can do this. Come on. Come on. Just this once. Do it. Come on. Phase.

I put all my energy into it. I needed to phase, just a few seconds, just enough to get out of these ropes. I looked over to Natasha again and saw blood dribble down her cheek. It inspired a new sense of rage within me, I channelled it towards my phase and squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened my eyes again, there was a soft yellow glow on my skin where the rope was touching me. I moved my hands away from the ropes and gasped in surprise when the rope was left in my lap. I stood up and walked a few steps away, looking back in shock at the ropes strewn on the floor.

I turned around and walked closer to Natasha. I quickly undid the ropes that held her in place and laid her down gently. I pushed the hair out of her face and sat down beside her. I looked over at her calm face and had a mini fan girl attack.

Omg its Natasha fucking Romanoff. THE Natasha Romanoff. The famous black widow is right beside me. Ahhhhh. O my godddd. What the fuuuuuuck.

Ok, moment over. I tried to figure out where the blood running down her cheek was coming from and ended up braiding her hair to get it out of the way. My fingers nimbly weaving her hair into a tight french braid. It made me think of my little sister. How I had spent days learning how to plait her hair. The hours she sat in front of me chatting and giggling as I weaved her long hair into 2 neat plaits. How she could never sit still, constantly wiggling and bouncing in excitement as she rushed through stories and jokes. Telling me about whatever was on her mind.

I remembered the days we spent in the tree house dad had built, racing up and down the ladder, hiding from the sun under the shade of the leaves. Telling secrets and playing pretend. Dealing with first loves and first heartbreaks. Planning our future. We were inseparable. I looked down at Natasha, and the tears I hadn't noticed falling, stopped.

I took a deep breath and stood up walking around the small room, looking for anything that could be of use. I found the handle to a small cupboard and opened it. I grabbed a few bottles of water and a white sheet and made my way back over to Natasha. I ripped off a strip of the sheet and poured some water over it, washing the blood from her temple and cheek.

She winced in pain as I tried to clean her lip, she slowly opened her eyes and I offered her a kind smile. She lifted her right arm and cried out in pain, dropping it back down to her side.

"Yeah, I think you broke your collar bone"

"I think so too" she whined in pain as she shifted herself into a sitting position. She sat with her back to me for a few seconds before I draped the sheet over her shoulders. Covering the horrid marks that would surely become scars. I offered her the water bottle and she took it, draining it in a matter of seconds. She turned back around to face me, carefully nursing her right arm.

"How did you get out of the restraints?"

"...I phased" I couldn't decipher her reaction as she winced in pain as she tried to lean back against the wall, but instantly sat back up.

"Mmmmmmmm fuck" she closed her eyes and tried to adjust how she was sitting. She shuffled around for a while trying to find a comfortable way to sit.

"Look just come here" I shuffled closer and moved my legs so she sat between them. She rested her left shoulder against my chest and her head was on my shoulder.


"Mmmm" was the only response I got. I leant back slowly against the wall.

'Holy fuck i think Natasha Romanoff just fell asleep in my arms. What the fuckkkk' I had another fan girl moment before leaning my head back against the wall and falling asleep myself.

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