Part 1: IS SHE OK

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I could feel her gaze on me. Her soft green eyes scanning me. Trying to figure out what I was thinking. I was trying to hide it, but I could feel her getting close, slowly pulling all the pieces together. I could hear her in my head. Why? When? Where?

I wanted to run but I couldn't not even in my mind. Try as I might, the restraints were too tight I tried to wriggle my hand out without bringing attention to it, I kept my breath steady, my eyes closed, my heartbeat relaxed. Natasha could not know I had woken up. She'd ask me all the questions I didn't have the answer to, the answers I didn't have the bravery to share

I heard her sigh quite loudly and I could picture her position how her eyebrows pulled together, in a worried look. Her head lent agains the door frame, her arms crossed in front of her chest. I could almost hear the worry, emanating of her person.

I tried to remain still keep calm but Natasha was too good for me, she knew I was awake, and she wanted to ask me all of her questions, but she also knew I wasn't ready, not yet. I needed time, time to recuperate.

"You can't fool me Ava" she murmured just loud enough for me to hear, but not loud enough to raise the suspicion of the guards waiting outside

I tried to remain still but I couldn't help smiling at the sound of her voice. She was here. I knew she was there, but hearing her voice still shocked me, by how much joy it brought.

I slowly opened my eyes, I looked for her, but I couldn't see her, laying flat on my back, she was just out of my view. I tried to speak but it came out raspy and deep. It didn't sound like me at all.

"Natasha" I slurred

It worked though she understood me, she walked over to me, she gripped my hand tight,

"I'm here darling" she whispered in my ear "don't worry, I'm here"

I was so relieved, Natasha was ok, my plan had worked, I had saved her, she was ok, and she was here

I closed my eyes grateful for the presence of her hand in mine, I could finally get some sleep now, my worry for her wouldn't keep playing in my mind. At least now I had regained control over myself. For the past, I don't even know how long, I didn't have control, my mind was awake but my body wasn't. I couldn't see, or hear, or move. I was left on my own with just my thoughts, thoughts of worry for Natasha, did my plan work? Was she ok? Was I here on my own for nothing? Had I risked my life in a plan that didn't work?

But I had control now, I could see, she was here, she was ok, she was beside me. And there was no better place for me to be.

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