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I stayed still not even daring to breath. I could hear him, but he didn't know she was there.

"You have her!!! Perfect well done, bring her to the airport I'm sure mr Oolong would love to meet the famous black widow. Maybe even be the one to put the bullet in her head. I have to be honest, i didn't think you'd catch her, she's much stronger than you. What do you mean which airport! There's only one in the whole city. Just, meet us there at 2 you moron"

...wait what, he wanted to kill her, no, not Natasha, i have to help her. My mind kept flashing to images of Natasha's lifeless body laying on the ground a bullet straight through her head. No stop! Focus Ava this is only going to work if you focus

Ok now i have a location and a time, its 11 now, i have 3 hours to get there and come up with a plan. I pulled on my mask, taking a deep breath in, the smell soothed me and helped me focus, i could here Natasha in my head, what's the plan? You know where I'm going and what time ill arrive. But airports are big. Find away to put a tracker on him, then you'll be able to find his exact location at the airport. But how do you place a tracker on your brother who's also a double agent who betrayed you and sent you to a hospital? Where can i find a tracker though. Natashas cheeky smile played in my mind, these are my clothes, remember. Check your right back pocket. Surely enough, there was a micro tracker there.

I could act like Oolongs associate, he's a big time criminal, he'd do his own check ups, when i shake his hand i could put the tracker on his cuff. That could work. "What if he recognises you" Natasha chimed in. He shouldn't i have a mask and a hat. Ill speak in Russian. He doesn't know you taught me. If he does recognise me, he's on his own i could easily beat him in a fight.

Okay, deep breath, 1,2,3,

"Mr Johansson" i said in perfect Russian. Flynn turned around startled and confused.

"Y..yes that's me, who are you, why are you here, how did you find me?" He said confused and in broken Russian

"You hardly expected Mr. Oolong to meet up with you before sending me to check up on you first" i said reaching out a hand with the tracker between my fingers

"Eh, that makes a lot of sense actually, so who are you" he stuttered reaching for my hand.

" that's none of your concern sir, I'm here for a check on you." I responded, placing the tracker inside his coat sleeve. I'd never been happier Natasha spent 3 hour teaching me how to do that.

"Um ok, and what exactly does this check include" he said nervously

" i have to ensure you are the right person, i need you to state your business with Mr. Oolong"

"Well, i.. i intend to meet with him, he is still in possession of Loki's spear, i intend to buy it. O and tell him i have something to sweeten the deal......tell him i have Romanoff!"

"What do you intend to do with the sceptre" i tried to remain calm at the mention of Natasha's name

"I...uh... well use it. I'm not very good at the whole agent thing, but if i have the spear, no one will be able to stand in my way" he looked surprised that i didn't even acknowledge that he had Romanoff " just so were clear...i have Romanoff, you know agent Romanoff, Natasha, black widow, ringing any bells, they say she's the best SHIELD agent, i caught her. And I'm willing to trade her, and the money of course, for the spear"

"Sceptre. I know who agent Romanoff is, but we've been offered things like this before. People lie"

"I...i know but I actually have her, she's on her way to the airport right now."

"Well see you there. You better not be lying Johansson, Oolong doesn't like liars."

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