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The sun was beginning to set and Natasha still hadn't woken up. Rogers still hadn't left, and i realised he wouldn't leave anytime soon. I was beginning to think he wasn't simply a work friend.

"So......did you come here from a mission?" He looked up at me, surprised

"Uh yeah, I've been in Mexico for a little over 2 years now, I haven't seen Natasha in ages, but when i heard what happened i got the first plane here. What about you?"

"Um yeah Natasha was my mission, fury heard there was a hit put out on her and i was sent here with her for additional protection. I was sent here with my brother, who was in on it apparently... so you know yay dysfunctional family.....i hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you really know Natasha?"

"We.....we were very close, when she first came to SHIELD i was the only one she would actually talk to, she was the only one I couldn't beat. We were inseparable for a while, but then i was sent on a mission, and when i would be home she'd be on a mission. It was rare we actually got to spend time together. Whenever we were home together we'd spend every moment with each-other. It's been like that for the past 6 years, but the time we are together is special. How about you?"

"My brother brought me to her when i started at SHIELD, he told me she was the best of the best, he wasn't wrong. We became extremely close, she's like a sister to me. Natasha trained me, ill never forget my first session with her......"

We spent the evening telling stories about Natasha, bonding over her. Even unconscious she had the 2 of us laughing. I started to notice connections in our stories. Teaching us the judo flip, neither of us being able to beat her, or surprise her. At around 8 there was a knock on the door. I glanced at Steve and he looked at me, neither of us were expecting anyone. I shrugged and turned to the door. Evan walked in and smiled at me, he looked across to Steve and looked back to with a who's this kinda look

"Hey Ava"

"Hi Evan, this is Steve by the way, he's a friend of Natasha's" i stood up and walked over to Evan, he pulled me into a hug

"How is Natasha?" I turned slightly to look at her

"No changes yet" i could hear the pain in my own voice and felt the tears brimming my eyes, i turned back into him

"Thanks for coming back" i said it in a whisper, afraid if i said it any louder I'd completely break down.

He walked me back over to my chair and sat down behind me, we all sat in silence for a while, just watching Natasha.

Steve stood up "i think I'll head home for the night , here's my number, call me if anything changes" i smiled and nodded at him

"O! I um i have a room in the hotel across the way, it has 2 beds if you want to go there, i don't know where you're staying, but the hotel might be closer" i held out a key card and he took it

"Thank you" he smiled at me and walked out of the room.

A few minutes after he left, a nurse walked in. I sat up straighter, all of my attention on her, praying for some good news

"If you plan to stay here tonight, we can get a second bed in here for you" i turned back to Natasha and nodded

"Yes please, thank you" she smiled at me as she left the room. I sat on the bed beside natasha and picked up her hand. I leant closer resting my forehead against hers

"Dont worry Nat, I'm not leaving you"

The nurse returned with a small bed and left it in the corner of the room, i sat back up and noticed that Evan had left. I walked over to the bed the nurse had brought in and looked back at Natasha, i was so far away from her. I pushed the bed closer and lay down on it reached out my hand and held Natasha's hand. After a few hours my eye lids grew heavy and i fell asleep

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now