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When I woke up, the room was already filled by natural light. I turned my attention to Natasha, she was exactly the same as she was last night. I looked around the rest of the room and jolted up when I noticed Steve sitting beside Natasha. He chuckled slightly at my reaction.


"Um yeah that" I was still half asleep and extremely tired.

"How long have you been here?" Please say only a few minutes, please.

"A few hours"

I lay back down on the small bed and he chuckled at me again. I realised I was still holding Natasha's hand and turned to face her. The room was pretty quite for the rest of the morning.

I got out of the bed and walked towards the door "coffee?"

"That would be great, thanks" I nodded and left, making my way through the hospital towards the jellybean cafe, I ordered both the coffees and looked around the room while I waited. It was pretty empty apart from a tired looking mother and a young child in the far corner.

I smiled as the kid tried to put the whole muffin in his mouth, failing miserably and making a mess. I turned back to the counter and paid for the coffees.

I stood outside Natasha's room and looked in through the small window. Steve had moved closer to Natasha, he had her had gripped in his and he was brushing her hair away from her face, he looked up at her with such love and pain portrayed in his face, he was talking to her, I could see his lips moving, but I couldn't hear. I walked away from the door and wandered around the hospital for a while before returning to her room.

I opened the door slowly, he looked up at the noise, but didn't move other than that. I walked over and handed him the coffee

"Thanks" he placed it on the bedside table and returned his hand to Natasha's. I pushed the small bed back against the wall and pulled a chair closer. We both sat in silence, drinking our coffee and holding onto Natasha.

Steve suddenly looked down at his hand, he looked at Natasha and then back down to his hand.

"I...I think she moved her fingers" we both sat watching Natasha intently for the next few minutes. After about 5 minutes of intense waiting, she gasped. Her body didn't move much but the change in her breathing caused Steve to run out and find a nurse. I moved closer to her, sitting on the edge of her bed, I studied her face, waiting for any movement.

She gasped lightly again and her eyes fluttered open,

"Natasha! Natasha!"

Steve came back in followed by a nurse, he raced around to the other side of the bed, sitting at the edge. He picked up her hand, and pulled it in to his chest

"Hey Nat" tears started to fall down his cheeks

She still looked tired but her eyes opened fully and she looked at the both of us. Her eyes flickered between me and Steve and she started to smile. The nurse ushered me to the side to check on Natasha and I moved down to the bottom of the bed, gripping the end so hard my knuckles turned white. The nurse quickly checked her vitals and left the room again.

Natasha smiled up at us

"Hey you guys" she started giggling and it was clear she was loopy from the medicine they had given her. I laughed at her and watched as she tried to form sentences that made sense.

Natasha tried to tell us things but often trailed off and stopped talking half way through, she'd sit quite for a few minutes and then start talking again about something else. After an hour Steve's phone rang, he left the room to answer it and I turned my attention back to natasha.

"Hey titch"

"Hiya Natasha" she smiled up at me and i smiled back, I watched as her smile reached her eyes and tears sprang from mine.

"Heyyyyy dont cry. Why are you sad?" I started to laugh again as she reached her hand up to dry my tears.

"I missed you Nat"

"Whyyyy, I'm right here"

I heard footsteps and turned expecting to see steve coming back, but it wasn't steve, it was Evan. He smiled at me and then when he spotted natasha in the background smiled even wider.

"Ooooo, who's he, he's cute" she tried to whisper it, but it was still very loud. I laughed at her

"This is Evan Buckley. He's.......a friend" he walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

Steve walked in a few minutes later and nodded a greeting to Evan. He walked around to Natasha.

"Heyyyyy! I know you! You're rogers!"

"Yeah, i am. Hi fluff" she scrunched her nose at the name in a cute way.

I turned to Evan and stood up. He reached his hand out and I took it, we walked out of the room together and went on a walk around the city, leaving Steve and Natasha for some alone time

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now