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It was almost 10 at night.

I knew Evan, would not be happy about this. He had told me multiple times to be home BEFORE ten.

I would probably get in trouble for this. Evan is clingy, he likes to keep me close at all times, I know that he loves me. I know I deserve the stinging slap I will earn after being rude, disrespectful or disobedient. But, Evan, he's a sweetheart, he cuddles me close and always asks if I'm okay.

Its always my fault. He's just putting me back in my place.

Fury noticed my nervous fidgeting and spoke to me, "You got somewhere to be, Ms.Johansson?"

I shook my head to pull myself from the trance of staring helplessly at the electronic clock on the wall; think of an excuse to give to Evan.

I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry, Director. I have a few things on my mind," I avoided eye contacted with everyone in the room to avoid any further questions.

Fury raised his brow and looked unimpressed by my poor attempt at a lie. "Hm, alright, that's all I got. Well done today, see you all bright and early tomorrow, " I quickly grabbed my bag and coat and raced out the door towards my car. I bumped into Vision and Wanda on the way to the garage. Leaving them behind, not bothering to turn and apologise or say goodbye because it simply didnt cross my mind to. My thoughts were consumed by what I was going to say to Evan.

"Evan?' I quietly call out as I nervously enter our apartment.

I placed down my bags and wander through the house. I spot him as I enter the kitchen, I stand nervously in the doorway. He was sitting at the dinner table, an angry look on his face. His eyes burning into mine, eyebrows furrowed. Fists balled up as they lay next to multiple bottles of cheap beer.

I gulp, "I'm sorry I was a bit late, the briefing took a bit longer than expected, " I say truthfully. This was a big mission, we took over multiple old, but still active, HYDRA bases all over Asia and Europe. It took almost three weeks, there was a lot of information to go over. I was leading that mission, so I couldn't leave halfway through the briefing.

"What's my rule?" the man asks as he slowly rises from his seat and walks over to where I was standing across the room. The floorboards creak and my senses become heightened, I wished to fight back. But, I know that it will only make it worse. I was late, I need to have a punishment for my crime.

"Evan. I'm sorry, I know its my fault, I'm sorry, but if I'd have known it would have taken longer I would of-"

A heavy hand struck against my left cheek, cutting me off. I yelped and then felt myself shut down. Normally, my training would have kicked in and would have had me fight back and most likely ruin this man. But, I didn't. I just stood there, staring at the floor below me, getting screamed and taunted at. Knowing that I deserved it. It was my fault, I shouldn't have been late.

"You stupid bitch! I have one rule! One fucking rule! Don't be late! It's not difficult fucking Ava! God knows what you could have been doing? What are you cheating on me?" he screams and I don't answer. He grows even more hostile and pushes me against the counter. The edge digging into my back.

"ANSWER ME YOU STUPID CUNT!" he screams and I manage to squeeze out a quiet, pathetic answer, "No, "

He points his finger in my face and growls. "You will not be late again, or you will regret it, you're so lucky I haven't left you yet. You don't deserve me" he snarled into my face.

"I'm sorry, you're right, I don't deserve you. Thank you for staying with me." He scoffs at my apology and stalks down the hall, muttering to himself about how I needed to step up my game if I wanted him to stay, that he wondered if I even loved him, just loud enough for me to overhear.

I sigh and lift my hand to my cheek. My skin is hot, and it stings causing my eyes to water with salty tears. I bite the inside of my cheek to try to prevent the rivers I wished to let loose, and I fail. Soon, the tears fall like the rapids. I know that the slap will leave a mark and my back is in excruciating pain now that the adrenaline has worn down.

I try to distract myself and pick up the few beer bottles Evan left on the counter. I throw them in the bin, careful so they don't clank together to avoid waking up my boyfriend. My once ravenous appetite had been rid from my body. I walk out of the kitchen and I question myself on whether I should sleep on the couch or the bed.

I know that if I decide to sleep on the couch and Evan wakes up tomorrow before me, he will grow intense with rage. Thinking I dont love him anymore, which I do, I do love him, with everything in me. He was right. If I want him to stay I need to work harder to keep him here. Prove to him I'm worthy of his affection.

I creep up to our bedroom and crawl into the bed next to him. He lays with his back to me. I wriggle closer so that I'm right behind him.

"I'm sorry baby. I know I'm not worthy. I know that I need to improve. I'm sorry I make you so angry. I know its my fault. Thank you for putting me back in my place" he doesn't respond and a single tear rolls down my cheek because I know hes awake.

"Evan baby?.....please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he still wont respond to me and I become more and more wound up.

"Evan please" I reach out a hand and place it on his shoulder. He tenses his arm and I quickly pull my hand back.

"Please evan, I know I'm a worthless nobody, but I love you baby, please" I cry.

He slowly turns around, he doesn't say anything, but he turns me around to. He pulls me into him, wrapping me in a hug.

"Your welcome" he whispers. Relief floods my body, hes not ignoring me anymore. Within minutes, I hear his light snores.

I lay in bed for the next hour or so thinking about how I can make it up to him and try prove my worth, before exhaustion gets the better of me and I fall asleep next to the man I love.

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