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I sat on the recliner in the sitting room, fiddling with my ring. I heard a gasp behind me and whipped around to see tony standing in the doorway, a mug of coffee in his hands.

"OoooooOOoooooo. Somebody's getting married" he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I stood up and walked around to face him.

"Omg who?!?!" I grabbed the fresh cup of coffee out of his hands and brushed past him. I waved back to him, using my left hand, showing off my ring. I heard him chuckle behind me and I smirked.

I strolled into the kitchen and leant over the counter, watching Steve potter around the kitchen. He had changed into a pair of loose grey tracksuit bottoms, but was still shirtless. I shamelessly watched him, sipping on Tony's coffee that was far too sweet. When my eyes wandered up to his face, I was met by an amused expression. I nearly choked on my coffee as I laughed.

"Enjoying the view?" He leant back against the counter and crossed his arms.

"I mean, come on dude, you cant walk around shirtless and expect me not to watch" I put my coffee down on the half wall, and wandered around to face Steve.

He chuckled at me and pulled me close to him, I gave him a kiss and walked out of the kitchen.

"Meet you in the gym in 5 minutes so I can beat you up as your future wife, ok?"

He chuckled "I'm going to be the one beating you up"

Without turning around I gave him the finger. I heard him laugh behind me and the sound made my heart glow. I giggled and walked into my old room that I had temporarily moved back into. I pulled out a pair of grey high waisted leggings and a matching sports bra. I grabbed a hoodie off my bed and pulled it on. I took a bobbin out of my bag and walked out of my room.

I walked down towards the training room and was met by Steve at the top of the hall. He hadn't changed, and again, my eyes slowly scanned down his chest. His hand gripped my chin, lifting my gaze, he gave me a quick kiss and marched ahead of me.

I giggled at him as he started wiggling his hips and swaying his hands as he walked. I ran up behind him and jumped on his back, wrapping my legs tight around his waist and my arms hugging his shoulders. He added a bounce to his step, causing me to start bobbing up and down on his back. He gave me a piggy-back ride to the gym and then I hopped down.

"Thanks for the ride"I walked over to a bench and realised I wasn't wearing shoes, I laughed again.

"What's so funny"

"I forgot my shoes" he looked down to my bare feet and kicked off his runners, he cocked his head slightly and I laughed at him.

"You might wanna take that off, you do enough damage with your bare hands, no need to add a ring" I looked down at my ring and slowly eased it off, holding it in my hand for a minute before carefully placing it on the bench beside me.

I looked back up at steve and he stood inside the ring waiting for me. I jumped in and steve came at me almost immediately, trying to punch my stomach. I quickly grabbed his wrist and flipped him over with a simple judo flip.

"I really need to learn how to stop you doing that" I smiled down at him and he grinned back up at me, he flipped me around and used his knees to hold my arms down

"You gonna teach me?" I bucked my hips, making him fall forward slightly, shifting the weight more forward and creating more of a gap between us. I brought my legs up and placed my feet on his chest, pushing him over my head, making him do a forward roll.

"Now why would I do that?" I brought my legs to my chest and swung them out, using the momentum to jump off the ground. I turned to face him and he started prancing around the ring, bringing his hands up to his face. His arm jutted out in the direction of my face and when I dodged it I felt a second punch come in contact with my stomach. I stumbled backwards and he chuckled.

"Because you love me" I quickly straightened up again and repositioned my feet. I smiled at him and quickly spun around, delivering a roundhouse to his face. He stumbled backwards and fell down.

"That's true, but if I showed you. I wouldn't be able to do it to you anymore" He sat on the floor and looked up at me. He dropped his hands around behind him to stabilise himself as he sat back slightly. I dropped my hands and laughed at him. I reached out my hand, but instead of pulling him up he pulled me down. I lay on the floor and looked over to him.

"That's the point. Show me how" I stood up and reached my hand down again. He grabbed it and I started to pull him up, I quickly let go and he was back on the floor again. I laughed at the flicker of shock that ran across his face.

"Now we're even" he stood up and annoyed me into showing him how to turn the judo flip into an attack of his own. After an hour of hard work, he could successfully deflect a judo flip and knew how to turn it into his own attack.

We were both out of breath and sweating when Wanda came wandering down the stairs, waved at us and walked off towards the gym. I looked back to steve trying not to show how badly i wanted to chase after her and tell her I had just gotten engaged. We had agreed to tell everyone together over a nice dinner out. She was my best friend here after ava. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Fine. Go on"

"Yay!" I ran out of the ring and grabbed my hoodie and put my ring back on, taking a second to admire it. I walked down the hall after Wanda, trying not to break into a full on run.

"Hey nattie. You finished sparring with steve?"

"Yeah, for now anyways" I sat on a bench across from where she was standing and she gave me a look that said why are you so excited .

"What?" I shrugged my shoulders at her, trying to annoy her.

"Don't make me look inside your head again. I see enough of rogers around the compound I don't wanna see him in there as well"

I laughed at her and she sat down on the bench beside me. I picked up some wraps beside me and started to fold them. She squealed and grabbed my hand.

"Omg since when!?!?!"

"Since last night"

"Awwww I'm so happy for you. How did he do it?" I started retelling the events of last night as she admired my ring.

When I was finished she wrapped me in a hug "looks like we have a wedding to plan"

We talked for a bit more about weddings and then I spotted Steve standing by the door. I giggled and Wanda followed my gaze to the door. She smiled at Steve

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to the fact that you, can make her giggle. You're one lucky guy"

"I know. The luckiest" a cheeky smile played across his face.

Wanda wandered off to the treadmill and I wrapped my hands to start boxing, carefully pulling my ring off before attacking the bag. Steve laughed at me and walked over to the shelves, he started wrapping his own hands and walked over to another punching bag. Attacking it with such strength I found it difficult to remember I was able to beat him in a fight.

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