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I looked out the windows and nervously bit my lip as the old Chevrolet drove down the quiet roads. I fidgeted with the bouquet in my lap.

"Not like you to be nervous Romanova" I looked to the front of the car and saw Tonys hazel eyes looking back at me in the rear view mirror. I smiled and shrugged.

"Wait...why are you here?" He shrugged back at me.

"Uhhh, cuz I'm driving the car" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah I know that, but I thought Happy was going to drive"

"Yeah well, surprise, he's not" he smirked and I laughed lightly.

"Still nervous?"

"Its a big day" I reasoned.

"I know....but if there was ever two people meant for each other, it was you and Cap. You both complete each other, one without the other just doesn't make sense" I looked down at my bouquet.

"Thank you" I murmured, he smirked.

"What was that Romanoff? Did you I mishearing things or did you just thank me?"

"Oooo I wanna take it back"

"Nope too late" he smiled and I chuckled. We pulled into the car park and Tony got out of the car. I looked up at the church and took a deep breath. Tony opened the door and held his arm out....

"Whenever you're ready?" He smiled again, this time, instead of his normal cocky smirk, it was a calm caring smile. I took his arm and stopped at the base of the stairs. Looking up the steps to the door. It suddenly looked a long ways away.

Jesus Christ Romanova, so you can take down fucking Hydra bases but you cant climb up a flight of stairs!? Get a grip!

I looked over at Tony, my breathing became more rapid. My heart rate doubling, I could hear it in my ears.

"I....I can't do this" I whispered, backing away "I can't be here....I can't do this" I felt tears forming in my eyes. Tony kept a firm grip on my arm, instead of letting me run, or pulling me up the church steps, he turned and walked with me.

"Why not?"

"Because...because I'm me. Tony, I...I don't want to hurt him."

"Natasha, breathe ok, take a deep breath. Do you love him?"

"Yes...more than anything...but-"

" buts, you love him....and I know he loves you. It's clear as day the two of you are made for each other. I see it everyday in the way he looks at you, the way he brings out a soft side in you. Now, I know you have struggled with this before, but you just have to trust in him. Trust him to love you, the way you love him, trust him to be there for you. I won't let you run form this Nat. I know it might be scary, I know that, but's everything I know you want. I wont let you run from the best thing in your life"

"But...what if I screw it up?"

"You won't"

"How do you know that?" I whipped around to face him, tears threatening to spill as my voice turned from a whisper to a yell.

"Because, you don't have it in you to hurt him, you love him too much." He shrugged nonchalantly, like I hadn't just yelled at him.

"It's so clear in your face when you see him, your whole face lights up, he brings a joy to your eyes I didn't even know existed. You put eachother on another level of happiness" I stared down at the bunch of flowers in my hand, he stopped walking and lifted my chin to look at him.

"What do you say we go see Steve, hmm?" I smiled at him and nodded. We turned and walked back to the church. We stopped at the base of the steps again and Tony turned to look at me. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I can't force you into this Nat, you can do whatever you want here, but I really hope I see you there, and I know Steve does to" he smiled and hesitantly walked away from me, i ascended the steps after him. Focussing on my breathing.

In. Out. In. Out.

Pepper saw me coming and got everyone to walk into the church. Wanda winked at me and turned to Bucky, looping an arm through his and waiting by the door. Ava smiled and rolled her eyes behind Sam as he started annoying bucky, i chuckled and looked down. Pepper and tony were about to head in, he caught my attention and strolled towards me, pepper tagging along beside him.

"You look beautiful Nat" he reached out a hand and squeezed my arm encouragingly and I smiled and blushed, the wedding chorus started and we all looked towards the door.

"I guess this is where I leave you" tony let go of my arm and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. He stood back and smiled, he started to walk towards the door.

"Tony wait!" He turned around with a smile "will know...maybe..." he chuckled and I rolled my eyes "get your ass over here and walk with me" he nodded and gave pepper a cheeky smile and a shrug before returning to his place by my side.

"I think that was the most touching way ever to ask someone to walk you down the aisle" he dramatically wiped away a fake tear.

"Shut up" i grumbled, a smile tugging at my lips. He chuckled and offered me his arm once again. I took it and watched the doors open, Wanda, Bucky, Ava and Sam walked in together, as we stepped closer to the door I could hear the bridal chorus louder. I looked at Tony and he winked. I smiled and rounded the corner, I looked around the room and saw everyone smiling at me, my eyes landed on Steves and my breath caught.

There he is

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There he is. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I could see in that moment just how right Tony was.

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