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The car ride was silent, neither of us knew what to say. i looked out the window watching everything go by, it was all a blur of colour. The trees were so pretty, oranges, yellows, browns and greens. But I wasn't thinking about any of that, i was thinking about natasha. I was being used as bait, they thought if she saw me, she'd go without a fight. O how wrong they were. Natasha was the strongest, most independent, talented and skilled agent there was. If anyone was going to save natasha, it was natasha.

Flynn said he assumed she had received his message, what message. How did it change things?

Was natasha still safe. I needed a plan, when we arrive ill probably have my hands tied behind my back. They're going to use me as bait so ill probably be surrounded. They'll all be armed, ill have to be careful. Natasha will be there. Natasha, i missed her so much. A tear ran down my face and i quickly wiped it away remembering the promise i had made.

I looked over at Flynn, he looked stressed, but when he saw me looking at him he tried to smile. He looked tired, like he hadn't gotten a good nights sleep in days. Well, how well would you sleep if you were planning to kidnap the worlds greatest spy.

When we get to the airport ill be able to see natasha, i need some sort of signal to let her know I'm ok. I dont want her to worry, or to go wherever Flynn was talking about without a fight. She needs to know that I'm ok, and that i have a plan.

We turned around the corner and my hair fell in front of my face, it brought back a memory,

It was on my first mission with natasha, we had a plan she would go in first, get 'captured' i would follow in and act as though i didnt know natasha was there, and when she gave the signal, we'd beat everyone up

But before Natasha could head in someone came outside. I jumped behind a dumpster out of sight, praying he didnt see me.

Natasha turned slowly, cleverly concealing her gun.

"Hey boys" she said seductively

The 2 guys looked at each other, at Natasha and then and back at each other

"Hello little lady, what's a pretty girl like yourself doing back here alone at this time of night." The smaller guy asked.

"I'm just looking for some fun" Natasha always knew how to distract people. She walked past them and the boys turned to look at her. She was clever, when they turned i crept out from behind the bin and crept closer.

"Hold on darling, why don't you come and have some fun with us?" Natasha turned, a cheeky smile on her face, she stepped closer. Her movements didn't seem to have a pattern, but I'd been training with her for a little over a year and knew what was coming.

She looked to the bigger guy "you know what i just might" she smiled wide showing off her teeth, she tucked her hair behind her ear with her right hand, and before i knew it the larger guy was on the floor

Before the smaller guy had a chance to react, i attacked him from behind, easily wrestling him to the floor. I flipped him over and tied his hands back, i hit him hard on the head knocking him out cold and looked up to see if Natasha needed help.

The larger guy was already bound and unconscious and when i looked for her, she was gone. I quickly jumped up and grabbed my gun. I ran in beside the wall using the shadows to help conceal my presence. I looked around and when i still couldn't see her i peeped around the door. Natasha was already inside, she was fighting a smaller guy with a large tattoo crawling up his neck.

I knew the plan was still ago because i could tell she was pulling her punches, she wanted to be caught. Another man came in and wrestled her to the floor. He looked proud of himself, it made me laugh. He picked her up and tied her to a chair. Her hair covered half her face and she looked defeated.

She looked up at the door and i noticed her bright green eyes looked excited. She gave me a quick wink, and dropped her head.

I counted to three and ran in with my gun raised.

"Natasha, what are you doing here?" My face contorting into a look of confusion and worry, my gun lowering slightly.

She looked up and yelled "AVA BEHIND YOU!!"

I turned quickly and shot at the man trying to sneak up on me, i felt a hand come down on my shoulder, i grabbed it and twisted it away, turning around and pulling his hand behind his back. I brought the barrel of the gun down on the back of his head and his whole body went limp.

I looked up and saw Natasha in the middle of a fight with 3 men. I smiled at her and turned to shoot someone trying to run out the door. I ran behind a table when i heard shots being fired. When i popped my head up i saw Natasha had knocked out the three guys she was fighting and was currently sitting on top of the guy who had shot at me.

I jumped up and scanned the room, making sure no one was hiding, when i was satisfied i holstered my gun and walked over to Natasha

"Some signal, really. A wink and a head dip." I asked when i reached her, helping her get the guy tied up.

" its subtle but noticeable, plus it worked" she stood up and walked out towards the door, talking into her earpiece, i laughed and walked out after her.

I knew what to do now. I needed to get her attention, she needed to see me.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now