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It was cold and wet outside, i sat at my window seat watching the drops of water race down my window. I loved rainy days, i felt like they were washing all the bad memories away. I pulled my mug closer, enjoying the warmth in my hands, the steam rising into my face. I enjoyed the pitter-patter as the droplets fell on my window. There was a knock at the door.

"Natasha, you here" Flynn pushed my door open. I turned to him

"What do you want" i responded bluntly. Flynn had been an agent for 3 years and was still shockingly bad at everything.

"Why would you assume i want something" he stepped into my room leaving my door open.

"You always want something. That's the only reason we talk, when you need something, i barely know anything about you. And i don't want to. What is it?"

"Well, Natasha. I have a sister, she wants to become an agent, and well you're the best, so.....will you train her?"

"Does she have any experience?"

"Well I've given her a few lessons"

That hardly counts, i thought, she'd probably have been better off coming to me with a clean slate

"How old is she, she has to be over 16 to start training here"

"Shes 3 years younger than me, she's.........17, i think"

"Tell her to meet me in the training room at 7 sharp in the morning, ill decide then"

"Um ok thanks Nat" he started to leave and when he looked back at me i glared at him. "Uh sorry i meant Natasha"

I enjoyed the rest of my rainy day, i had trained early in the morning so had a free afternoon. I returned to the race of the rain drops and cuddled up with a blanket in my chair.

I woke up rather suddenly. I sat there trying to come to terms with my surroundings. It was just a dream, its gone, you're here now, the red room is a long ways away. I turned to my bedside table and checked the time, 5:02. Perfect, who doesn't love to be up at 5:02 in the morning.

I slowly rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of grey leggings and a black tank top and i pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I headed downstairs, i wanted to get some training done before Flynns sister appeared. I walked past the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

I put it in my mouth and went to the fridge to grab a water. I started heading down to the training room, i walked into the gym and towards the boxing bag. I finished my apple, throwing the core in the bin and started boxing.

After about half an hour i took a break. It was 6:04 now. I grabbed my water and left the gym. I went down to the shooting range. Stark had made it soundproof shortly after I'd arrived, he had gotten fed up with getting woken up at 6 am to the sounds of shots. I grabbed a hand gun off the rack and moved into the centre of the arena while i loaded the gun. I looked around me, smiling at the many bullet holes in the targets. I started up the simulator and did two runs before realising it was quarter to 7. I turned off the simulator and left.

I walked up the hall to the main training room and leant against the back wall my gun still in my hand. It was shadowy, she wouldn't be able to see me unless she did a thorough scan of the room. I waited for her.

At 6:59 i heard movement on the stairs. She walked into the training room. She was small, but looked capable. Her long brown hair had been brushed into a tight ponytail. Her eyes scanned the room, i smiled as she swept straight past me. Her piercing blue eyes passing right over me. Once she had finished giving the room a quick scan she walked over to a bench putting her water down on it.

She sat down and sighed. She looked nervous and excited

I lifted the gun and aimed it at a target on the wall behind her. I shot hitting the bullseye. She jumped up grabbing a small knife out of her belt

"What's your name" i called out of the dark

She jumped slightly looking around, she still wasn't certain where i was "a..Ava"

"Well Ava, are you ready?" I stepped out of the shadows

"You must be agent Romanoff. My brother said you might be training me"

"Natasha is fine, and yes i might be training you, we'll see after this training session" i grinned at her putting my gun down, and she smiled back returning her knife to her belt. I knew right then that she would turn into a great agent

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