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"Ok, so she will need a few stitches and her right arm and hand and also across her stomach. She may need surgery on her left arm because of how deep her cuts were. We're holding out hope they'll start to heal themselves but we'll need to check up on them in about a week or so."

"Um yeah ok. Can I see her?"

"Not yet I'm afraid. She's about to get her stitches done and then she'll be meeting with our psychologist just to make sure she's no longer a danger to herself or others. Then I'll call you in. Ok?"

I nodded and sat back down. The stiff material of the scrubs top they had given me sticking uncomfortably to my chest. Tony appeared from around a wall.

"I thought you went home"

"I did. Here" he handed me a shirt "go change out of that paper bag." Before I left he reached out a hand, grabbing my arm "Hey, Steve. She'll be ok" his voice was softer. I nodded once and walked out to a bathroom. I pulled off the rigid shirt and pulled the shirt tony brought over my head. I put my hands against the edge of the counter, leaning forward and staring at myself in the mirror. My hands made fists and I slammed them down on the counter. Tears slipping down my face.

I almost lost her. How could I let this happen. She almost died. And I couldn't call an ambulance, because of my petty trauma. She had been through hell, enough to make her want to kill herself, and I couldn't put aside my tiny fears to save her life. She was dieing and I could've helped, but I didnt.

"Rogers? Umm they need you" Tony poked his head around the door. I quickly jogged back to the waiting room and was met by a nurse.

"Ah you must be mr. Rogers. We need your help. This way." He led me down to a small room where you could hear loud crying and someone yelling.

"Um. Yeah she wont calm down. She keeps demanding that we come and get you. So could you like. Help us calm her" I walked into the room and saw a broken Natasha crying and refusing to let anyone near her.

"Hey Nattie"

"O Steve" she cried "I'm so sorry. Please. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to stop the pain. I'm sorry steve. I'm sorry."

I rushed over to her, wrapping her in a gentle hug

"Don't you dare be sorry. You hear me. You're here. That's all that matters. You are here in my arms. I love you nat. Always and forever. You're stuck with me, because I love you to the moon and stars" she cuddled with me for a few minutes until she had calmed down. The nurse tried to pull me out of the room again but one look from Natasha sent him scurrying away. I sat beside her as they gave her a local anaesthetic and started to stitch the cuts across her stomach.

She wasn't crying, but her cheeks were damp with tears. A look of slight shock crossed my face when she started talking about the wedding. Its not that I didn't want to marry her. I would marry her right now if she let me. She acted as though the past 2 weeks just didnt happen. Like she wasn't having her stomach stitched up. Soon we were laughing like nothing went wrong.

God. I love this woman.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now