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It had been a month since i had first arrived. Things had gotten better, the room no longer went silent when i arrived. People greeted me and invited me into their conversations. We were becoming friends.

I met with Steve most mornings for some sparring. We had gotten closer as well, he still hadn't beaten me yet, but he was getting better. Once he started to learn my moves and figure out how to block them, I'd introduce new ones and he'd be back at square one.

I walked down the stairs and headed for the training room, i could hear Steve already down there. I opened the door

"Good morning"

"Ah you've finally woken up"

I laughed at him and put my bottle down on the bench, i crouched to tie my laces.

"Ready to lose?"

"Nope, I'm gonna win this morning." He walked closer to me, sitting at the opposite end of the bench.

"That's what you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. Face it rogers, you're never going to beat me"

I stood up and pushed his arm playfully, he fell of the bench in an exaggerated way. Looking up at me with feigned shock i laughed again and headed toward the ring, he jumped up and followed me.

After around half an hour i had gotten him to the floor for the seventh time. I sat on his chest and had his arms pinned above his head. We were both panting, gasping for air. When blue locked with green, we both stopped. The whole world disappeared. It was just me and Steve. I stared into his soft baby blue eyes, totally lost in them, my eyes followed the lines of his face, his strong cheek bones, his slightly crocked nose, his parted lips. I looked back to his eyes and watched as he did the same thing, tracing my face with his eyes. I could feel his body underneath me, the rise and fall of his chest, the tensing in his core, the flexing in his biceps. He was so strong, yet i had managed to pin him to the floor.

I became entranced by his eyes, they were so soft and welcoming, my eyes once again started to wander around his face, focusing once more on his lips. I suddenly realised what i wanted, what i needed. My eyes snapped back to his, my heart beating so loud in my ears i was sure he could hear it. A door somewhere shut and it pulled me out of my trance. a gasp escaped me and I jumped off him quickly and left the ring, headed straight back to my room, i turned back before i shut the door, he was still lying on the floor in a daze.

I ran up the stairs and back to my room, closing the door behind me and sliding down it. My heart was beating fast and my breathing was still quick. I sat on the floor remembering his eyes, his lips, his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest, the bulging muscles so clearly visible under his shirt. I shook my head clearing my mind. I stood up off the floor and went to shower, trying to wash away the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

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