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I poked my head around Natasha's door, I was walking past and could hear the music inside, and watched as she finished her make up and tried to fix her hair. She turned to face me.

"You look beautiful" I walked over to her and tucked the few strands of hair poking out, back into place.

"You think so?" I rolled my eyes at her, can she not see herself. Is this mirror broken?

"You're always beautiful natasha. That's a cute dress too." I looked over to where the dress lay.

"Yeah, Steve found it somewhere"

"What shoes are you going to wear with it?"

"I dont know, I was thinking those black boots" she pointed to a pair of cute black lace up ankle boots.

"And you're leather jacket?" I already knew the answer.

"And my leather jacket"

"Go put it on and give us a twirl, I'll be back right back" I turned and walked out the door. Walking back to my room and picked up the new leather jacket I had gotten her. I smiled at it and folded it into a small square.

I headed back towards natashas room and poked my head around the door again. Keeping my hands behind my back. She had put the dress on, and a really pretty necklace, she looked even more beautiful than before if that was even possible.

"What?" She stopped with her coat in her hands, looking at me with a what are you about to do look.

"Ugh you're annoying. Stop making me feel bad for getting you something." She laughed at me and I produced the coat.

"I think you need to retire that one" I nodded towards the coat she had in her hands. She threw it onto the bed and took the new one out of my hands.

"Oo ava its beautiful" she gave me a quick hug and pulled the new jacket on. She stood back a little and twirled.

"What do you think?"


"Hey JARVIS what time is it?"

"Quarter to 8 ms Romanoff"

She turned to face me again "right I'd better go" she gave me another quick hug and walked out of the room, there was a bounce in her step and it made me chuckle.

I walked out of her room and headed back to my own room. I changed out of my leggings and over sized hoodie and pulled on a pair of jeans and a cropped jumper. I walked down towards the main entrance and pulled the door open, just before I left I saw natasha step into the elevator and I smiled, knowing what was waiting for her on the rooftop.

I pulled the door shut and waved to Evan. He had come here for a little break from work. I pulled the car door open and got in, he gave me a quick kiss and started driving.

"You look great" he turned to face me.

"Eyes on the road!" I laughed at him.

"Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to a park somewhere. We can get coffee and go for a walk. It's pretty nice outside still" he nodded and turned on the radio, changing the channel until he found a music one. He bopped away to the music and I laughed at him.

We were at the park in no time, we got our coffees from a small truck and went for an evening stroll. It was beautiful outside, it was late spring so all the flowers were blooming and the trees were soft greens. I took a deep breath and rested my head on Evans shoulder. We strolled down the paths and ended up on a bench, watching the sun set.

We sat together and started chatting. Chatting about work, about movies, about the weather, about him, about me. We talked about everything under the sun and before long it was starting to get dark and cold. We stood up to leave and he wrapped an arm around me. We drove back to the compound and I invited him in. Nobody was around but I could hear the faint sound of tango music. I smiled and looked up. I turned back to Evan.

"Want anything to eat?"

He followed me into the kitchen and watched as I grabbed a bowl and shoved some popcorn kernels into the micro wave. I turned to him and he laughed.

"What, I'm in the mood for popcorn leave me alone" he laughed again and I walked past him into the living room. I turned the huge tv on and fell onto the couch. I patted the couch beside me and Evan fell onto it.

"What do you want to watch?"

We scrolled through Netflix for a while until we settled on one of the revenger movies. Just as I was about to press play the microwave beeped and I jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen. I pulled the piping hot bag out of the microwave, pouring the contents into a bowl. I ran-walked back into the living room and sat back down next to Evan, he looked across at me and I threw a piece at him.

He pressed play and we watched our movie, throwing popcorn at each other every now and then.

After the movie we cuddled on the couch for a while, I lay on his chest and the steady rise and fall of his chest had me asleep in no time.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now