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My phone buzzed on the kitchen table and I skidded across the kitchen in my socks to check it, wiping my hands on my trousers before picking up my phone. It was a message from Steve, he wanted to meet up for a coffee before we went in to Natasha. I was kind of confused by the message, sure we had become sorta friends from spending time with each other, but we weren't the 'meet up for coffee and a chat' kinda friends. I responded with a quick ok and walked back over to the mess I had made on the counter. I started to clean up a bit, putting things back into cupboards and scooping all the excess flour into my hand before throwing it in the trash. Evan walked past me and I smacked his ass leaving a lovely flour handprint on him. I laughed at him as he tried to brush it off.

I presented him with the pancakes I had made with a proud flourish. He sat down and happily covered them in syrup. I finished cleaning up and walked around to where Evan was sitting.

"I'm going to meet up with Steve for a coffee before I go in to Natasha so I'm going to leave now, ok? Have fun in work"

He smiled at me as I began to walk away.

"Tell Natasha I say hi" I pulled the door shut behind me after saying goodbye to Evan. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and saw a new message from Steve: the insomnia 2 blocks from the hospital in like 20 minutes. I checked the time he sent the message, 5 minutes ago. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked down to the coffee shop, admiring the city as I went.

I arrived and looked around, he hadn't arrived yet. I got a small latte and sat at a small table in a corner of the insomnia. I tuned out the chatter of the small coffee shop and looked out the window, listening to the quiet music they were playing in the background. The strong smell of coffee attacked my nose and I relaxed back into my chair, holding the small mug in my hands.

The door was pushed open, rattling the small bell above it. I looked towards the door and watched Steve look around for me. He smiled at me and I waved at him. He came over and sat down opposite me, he looked nervous and excited.

"Hey Steve"

"Hi Ava. So um, about why I invited you here, I have a question."

I sat up and put my mug back on the table, my fingers dancing around the rim.

"Ask away" I smiled at him, and he returned a nervous grin.

"So, well its about Natasha. I'd ask her dad, but you know, I cant, so I'm asking you, I want to marry her. I'm asking for your blessing."

A smile spread across my face. It was so big it hurt.

"Steve thats amazing of course you have my blessing, you guys are so perfect together!" His face lit up like a Christmas tree. I leaned across the small table and reached out my arm, wrapping him in an awkward hug due to the table in between us. I sat back in my seat again, still smiling.

"So, when did you know it was her?"

"This is gonna sound cheesy, but it was the first time I saw her. She was so feisty and cute." He laughed at a memory and looked back to me. We spent a good 10 minutes, me just quizzing him about his relationship with Natasha.

"So when are you going to ask her? Where? How? Do you have a ring yet?" He chuckled at my eagerness.

"Well, I'm going to wait till we get back to the stark tower. I think I'm going to propose there as well, on the roof. I have a couple of rings I like but I haven't fully decided yet. O hey actually now that you know, do you wanna come and help me decide?"

"Ummmm yes, of course I do" I finished my coffee and we got up to leave heading towards the hospital.

"We're going back in 2 days, nat's getting discharged this afternoon, so we can visit the ring shop this afternoon while Nat is in physio and pick one out then, before she's discharged"

"Ok perfect"

We walked into the hospital and headed towards Natasha's hospital room. I stopped a few doors away and took a few deep breaths to try and compose myself before going in to see her. I couldn't have her guess what was going on and ruin the surprise. I composed myself, dialling back my smile and followed Steve in.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now