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I opened my eyes and was instantly greeted by a terrible pain in my stomach. I groaned and moved my hands to my stomach only to realise I couldn't. They were bound together by a thick rope that was connected to the wall. I tried to sit up slightly and noticed one tied across my chest, leaving me in a permanent half sitting half lying position. I checked my feet and noticed that they too were bound.

I groaned again and looked around the small dark room. There was a small bit of light coming from a doorway which, I'm assuming, led upstairs where I could hear the light thud of peoples foot falls. I turned my attention back to the ropes restraining me and pulled at the ones around my hands with as much strength as I could muster, but they wouldn't give.

"Dont bother" a small voice called from across the room.

I looked up to see a small, thin, little boy huddled in the corner, bound the same way I was. Although it was dark, I could see his bruised eyes, bloody wrists and chaffed ankles.

"I already tried" he sounded tired.

I started banging my head against the wall. It didn't help my headache but, it made me feel less useless. Maybe if I banged my head hard enough I'd be able to knock an idea into my brain.

"Yeah, I tried that too" I looked over to the small boy in the corner. He had a weak smile on his face, but there was pain in his eyes.

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't know, its gets hard to keep track of time after the first few days. A week, maybe two?" I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Do you know who put us down here?"

"No. I've only met him once. He came about an hour after I woke up. I couldn't understand him though. He was speaking a different language. I think thats the only reason I'm still here. He wants to talk to me but has to figure out how. O yeah, you'll get your memories back soon"

"What. What memories?"

"How did you end up here?"

"I...I was....with Steve.....and....I don't know"

"They'll come back soon, in pieces"

I heard footsteps coming from the doorway. I looked over to the boy and saw him shrink down and lower his head. He was terrified

"ах, привет мс романофф. Надеюсь, тебе комфортно. прошу прощения за перезагрузку и темную комнату. мы просто хотим убедиться, что ты не собираешься наделать глупостей, например, снова попытаться сбежать."

(ah, hello ms Romanoff. I hope youre comfortable. Please excuse the restarints and the terrible accommodation. We just want to make sure you're not going to do something stupid, like trying to run again.)

My breathing hitched as I recognised the language. The accent. The voice. My mind was flooded with memories. The pain, both physical and emotional. The exhaustion. The hours of draining work. The people......all the people, who weren't people to me. All the people, all the blood spilt, all the red. I felt a lump in my throat big enough to choke me. His voice brought back all the memories of things I tried to forget, tried to erase.

"это была ошибка. Тебе никогда не следовало убегать от нас, Наталья. мы готовы простить вас. если вы работаете с нами. только один раз. у нас есть для вас работа. Миссия."

(That was a mistake. You should never have run from us, Natalia. we are ready to forgive you though. If you work with us. Just this once. We have a job for you. A Mission.)

"и какого хрена я буду работать с тобой" I spat it out, as if the Russian was a bad taste in my mouth.

(and why the fuck would I work with you)

"потому что, если ты этого не сделаешь, я лично выйду и найду твоего драгоценного жениха и пусту ему пулю в голову. выбор за вами ms romanova."

(because if you dont, I'll personally go out and find your precious fiance and put a bullet in his head. The choice is yours ms Romanova.)

My mouth dropped open and the entire world slowed. He slowly walked out, quietly laughing. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, beating slowly and loudly, each breath was a struggle. Trying to pull air into my lungs. My chest felt like it was about to burst. The world faded away. I could hear something, but it sounded muffled and distant. Like I was under water, and each breath in wasn't pulling in air, it was pulling in water. I felt like I was drowning.

I let my head drop down as I tried to draw in a breath, and reared it back trying to breath out. Every movement was difficult. I leant my head back against the wall and let myself be overcome by the water surrounding me


I tried to focus on the sound but I couldn't hear it clearly enough to understand it, I got frustrated. I let out a cry and shut my eyes tight, rocking my head back against the cold rough wall.

I had been so dumb to think my life would get a happily ever after. Both of my biggest fears were becoming a reality at the same time. I was back in the red room, and they were using my love for Steve against me. I had put Steve in danger. The only man I had ever loved. He was in danger because I dared to believe I was safe from my past. I was wrong I would never be free from them.

"Natasha......." I heard my name and looked towards the small boy. He had a worried expression on his face and was pulling against the ropes that held him in place.

"Hey hey hey, its ok. Calm down Natasha. You need to breath. Come on deep breath in, and out. Hey, you're ok. In, and out. In, and out." I focused on him and tried to calm my breathing. I closed my eyes again and leant my head back as my vision blurred with tears. I let out another cry

"Hey, Natasha. Look at me. Look at me! Just breath. My name is Colin Diaz and I want to help you ok? But you need to calm the fuck down first" his tone went from calm and soothing, to aggressive and commanding.

I looked at him again and worked on slowing my breathing. Taking deep breaths and relaxing my body. I calmed down and started thinking again. Shit.

"How, how do you know my name. I thought you didn't understand Russian"

"Ummm yeah, about that" Colin smiled awkwardly and I suddenly got very nervous.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now