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The evening was going perfectly, Natasha and Steve had constant smiles on their faces, the guests were having fun, and everything looked beautiful. Around half an hour in, there were speeches. A slightly tipsy Wanda stood up and cleared her throat, her champagne flute held tightly in her delicate hand......ok Ava, chill it's just a hand.....everyone turned to look up at her as she smiled warmly.

"we are born, lost, then, we are found, but...we're all just lost am I right?" There was a chorus of soft chuckles around the room.

"However, in the darkness, there is light" she looked around the room and, I felt like her gaze lingered on me....but that can't be right, why me?

"Natalia Alianova Romanova, Steven Grant Rogers, you see, their optimism, their selflessness, it's in their blood, I dont know two people more suited for eachother than these two, the love they share is something out of a movie, something I can only dream of obtaining" her eyes flickered to mine once again and I felt my face flush with warmth.

"We all know these two, we remember their first date, when we all sat on couches in the living room, making bets to see how long they'd last,....o and about that, y'all owe me twenty bucks" Tony shook his head and I giggled.

"We know that they are a model example of what love looks like, the love they give to eachother, the love they've given to each and every one of us, being there fro a chat, or a rant, or just being a shoulder to cry on, something to take our anger out on and spar with them....even though none of us could actually beat them" she murmered the last part under her breath, earning another chuckle from the party. She smiled.

"but now it's time for us, to give to you. Here you are, standing on the precipice of something so much bigger than anyone here, and it may be frightening, and filled with doubt, but always remember, you are not alone," again, she looked up to me, maintaining eye contact.

"everyone here is family, we are your world, and we will cheer you on with delight in our eyes as you achieve your wildest dreams." She looked back to Steve and Nat and held her glass high.

"So raise a glass, we may be born lost, but now, you are found." The is a chorus of cheers and applause, Nat gave Wanda a hug, and Bucky stood up beside Steve to make his speech, but I didn't hear it, my mind was spinning....she was hardly looking at me....right? Yeah...I'm right...Addison is probably sitting behind me or something.

I subtly looked over my shoulder and to my surprise, Addison wasn't there, I looked around and spotted her a bit away from me. If Wanda was looking at Addison, I would have would have been obvious.

I tune back into the conversations as Bucky holds up his glass, I cheers with the rest of the people and start to re-engage in the party. The lead singer of the band stepped towards the mic.

"I believe its time for the father daughter dance" I choked on my drink and looked over to Natasha and Steve, their expressions mirrored my own. I saw Pepper rush over and start talking frantically. The room was quiet.

Tony stood up from his chair, he smiled a soft smile, something rare for Tony, and walked over to Natasha. He undid his jacket buttons, flinging them open dramatically and held out his hand for her to take.

"May I have this dance?" He requested. Natasha rolled her eyes playfully, a smile on her face. She accepted Tony's offer and walked out to the dance floor with him. The band started playing 'the way you look tonight' by frank Sinatra. Natasha laughed again before straightening her posture to dance with Tony.

To be fair it was a pretty good dance, obviously Natasha is a great dancer, and in all fairness Tony could lead a tango. They laughed and danced together beautifully, people joining in slowly. I remained where I was, giggling as Tony spun Natasha and she almost crashed into Steve and Pepper. When she spun back into Tony she playfully slapped his arm and he chuckled.

I felt a presence behind me and slowly closed my eyes taking a deep breath,

I swear if this is another one of Tonys 'friends' asking me to dance with them I'm going to break their nose.

I was greeted with the smell of 'la vie est belle eau de parfum' only one person I know wears that specific perfume. I couldn't stop the smile as it took over my face. Before I could stop myself my mind wandered slightly.

I imagined her walking up behind me and placing her hands on my shoulders, squeezing them gently, and leaning forward, her hair falling down her shoulder and tickling the back of my neck as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear, littering soft kisses along my neck and jaw. The thought made shivers run down my spine.

I thought of waking up in the mornings and turning over, being greeted by that smell, opening my eyes to see her lying beside me, peaceful, at rest, asleep. Her chest rising and falling softly. Her hair tumbling off the pillow, I imagined reaching out a hand and pushing her hair out of her face and waking her up with soft kisses, her bright green eyes fluttering open and looking back into mine.

I was pulled from my train of thought as I felt a pair of hands gently massaging my shoulders and neck. I groaned slightly and she chuckled.

"Hello there" her Sokovian accent peeked through and I shivered again.

"Hey....I thought you'd be out there dancing with Addison" I murmured, more to refocus myself on the fact that she was in a happy relationship than anything. The thought of her and Addison together made my chest tighten for some made me feel, mad almost. Like Addison wasn't worthy of everything that is Wanda. I noticed my thoughts wandering and pulled myself back to the room I was in now just in time to hear her answer.

"Nah, she doesn't really like to dance, I actually came here to ask you for a dance?" She leaned forward slightly and I was greeted by the smell of coffee and vanilla. I took a deep breath and my eyes fluttered shut again. She smelled like home, a place where it was safe, and warm, and cosy, and filled with love.

Love. What is love? I feel like I should have some sappy answer to that right? Some shit I read in a magazine, or a realisation that dawns on me at the end of the predictable rom-com. I don't have an answer to that question, I don't know what love is, what it feels like, sure I can see it. I see it in Steve and Natasha everyday, but, I don't know what that feels like. I like to think I do, I like to imagine that I know, but I least I didn't....or, I don't think I do??'s very confusing. I used to joke with Nat saying that love would have to hit me like a train in order for me to notice it.......I just never thought that, maybe, Wanda would be the train conductor.

"Want to dance?" I snapped my eyes open again to see her holding her hand out to me, I smiled softly and took her outstretched hand.

"I'd love to" we walked out to the floor together and she instantly wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling my body into hers. I gasped quietly and felt my body freeze up. I placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to remember how to breath like a normal human I've been doing my entire life.

I let her lead while I tried my best not to screw it up or step on her toes. I relaxed after a few minutes and started laughing and joking with her, making fun of Bucky and Sam.

"I'm just saying...they're definitely gay!"

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