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I started picking up blankets and cushions from the fort, a big smile lingering on my face as I thought of Natasha and Avery playing and laughing together. Even just the memory of the sound made my heart glow. I can't wait to call Natasha my wife. To call her mine.

I heard a knock at the front door and opened it wide.

"Forget someth.. o, Happy, hi" the smile fell from my face when I spotted the woman standing behind him. I quickly plastered a new one in its place.

"You must be Avery's mother" I held out my hand for her to shake. She smiled wide and stepped forward, shaking my hand.

"Hi, yes I'm Rylie, Avery's mother" O welcomed her into the building and told her where Natasha and Avery were gone.

I hated how friendly and kind she seemed, it made her harder to hate. She chatted away, seemingly oblivious to the tesion in the room.

"I want to than you for taking care of my Avery. She means so much to me. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day"

"I know what you mean. I've barely known her a week and she's already such a big part of my life. Who knew saying goodbye would be so hard" I chuckled a little to try push my tears away, not wanting this woman to see them.

She continued to talk, not to anyone in particular, just to the room at large. Answering her own questions when nobody else would. I felt guilty. It's not her fault that I had grown attached to her child, but I had. I tried to make conversation with her but my answers were short and my questions were even worse.

"So do you have a family?" was that Steve, do you have a family? What the fuck is wrong with me.

I was saved as the door was pushed open and Natasha ran inside out of the rain. Laughing with Avery, I greeted her in the hall with a loving kiss. I pushed her damp hair away from her face and leant my forehead against her hers.

"You ok lovie?" Her voice was laced with worry.

"Yeah, fine" I lied, I held her hand and smiled at Avery, leading them down the hall.

"Whats wrong darling? Where are you taking us? I have to get this one down for a nap" I could hear the smile in her voice.

I rounded the corner into the living room and Natasha walked round beside me. She looked around the room, her eyes landing on Rylie. Her smile lost any and all realness.

"Hi, I'm Rylie, Avery's mother" she continued when Natasha didn't answer her "you must be Natasha" she smiled at her and Natasha remained still, a fake smile stuck on her face.

"Y-yeah, thats me" the room was filled with an awkward silence. Natasha shook her head and stepped further into the room.

She sat down in an armchair across from Rylie and Avery cuddled down into her chest.

"Hey baby girl, look who it is" Natasha cooed.Avery sat up a bit and turned to Rylie. She rubbed her eyes and lazily waved.

"Hi, I A'ry" she mumbled before laying back down on Natasha's chest. For the first time since I met the woman, her smile faltered. Natasha looked down at Avery, a hint of realness returning to her smile.

"She's just tired, she usually has her nap around now" she offered her in explanation. Rylie nodded.

"So...uh, what's the plan, do you want me to put her down for her nap...or do you want to.....or do you just want to take her, home" she hesitated before saying the word home. Not liking the idea of Avery's home being anywhere other than her arms.

"Uh, she's obviously tired, I'll put her down for her nap before we take off" her mother smiled and stood up, holding her arms out for Avery. Natasha stood up slowly and reluctantly handed Avery over. The toddler woke up pretty quickly when she realised Natasha wasn't holding her.

She popped her head up and looked around the room in a panic. She saw Natasha and held her arms out. Rylie walked out of the room and Avery stared over her shoulder at Natasha, a few tears falling down her cheeks

"Mama" she called out. I heard Rylie coo, thinking Avery was calling to her, but the rest of us knew she wasn't. Tony ran down the hall after her.

"Uh, her nursery is on the first floor, fourth door on the left" he walked back into the room and sat on the couch. Natasha walked out and I went to chase after her.

"Steve! No, let her be. Something tells me she wants to be alone right now" I looked down the hall after Natasha desperately but sat down on the couch next to Tony. We stayed in silence listening to the muffled wails coming from Avery's nursery.

They grew louder and more desperate. I looked over to Tony and noticed a small smirk growing on his face as Avery refused to go to sleep without Natasha.

"Whats so funny" He looked up at me.

"I'm just remembering how difficult it was to get her down without Nat, well actually, we couldn't get her down, we had to call her. Remember?" He chuckled a little.

Avery's cries grew louder and closer as Rylie trekked down the hall, Avery cried and yelled and screamed and squirmed.

She appeared in the doorway. I tried to conceal my amusement and simply pointed in the direction Natasha went in. She ran down the hall.

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