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I looked into his eyes and my heart smiled.

"Yeah, I am. Hi fluff"

I scrunched my nose as a reaction to the name. Ava turned to the guy behind her, I'm pretty sure she said his name was Evan. She took his hand and they walked out. I turned back to steve and giggled.

"What?" you could hear the smile in his voice.

"She loooves him"

He laughed at me "you think so?"

"I know so"

He looked at me again and I felt my smile slowly fade. There was pain in his eyes.

"Its been too long Nat" I saw tears start to fill his eyes, and seeing him in pain, hurt me.

"I know, I know it has." I reached up and cupped his face with my hand, gently brushing his tears away.

He leant into my hand and closed his eyes. He kissed my hand and placed his over it.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too" my voice started to break. He opened his eyes again and I moved over in my bed, it was gradual, and stiff, and painful, but I shifted over and patted beside me. He sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder, I leant on him and he rested his chin on the top of my head. He kissed my forehead and nuzzled down into my hair.

"You missed" he lifted his head, and I moved to look up at him, he looked confused, I reached up and pulled him down, I kissed him on the lips a few times and then nuzzled back down into his chest, getting as comfy as I could with 2 bullet wounds in my chest. We lay there for a few hours, cuddling.

"I've missed this....."

I looked up at him again, "I've missed you" he kissed my nose and I giggled.

"Ahh, miss Romanoff, nice to finally meet you" I turned my head to the door, there was a nurse standing in the doorway.


"I've just come to do a quick check up. How are you feeling?"

I looked back up to Steve, "much better now" he leant down resting his forehead against mine. A smile spread across my face.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to separate you two for a few minutes." Steve looked up at the nurse he smiled slightly but there was sadness in his eyes. He stood up reluctantly and walked out. The nurse walked closer and started to check on the different things around me.

"So, everything looks good here" she stood back and smiled at me "who's the hottie?"

I smiled again "he is hot right, its not just me!?" I giggled as I pictured his smile.

"Are you 2 married?"

"O no, no."

"How one have you been going out then?"

"....6 years.....its been hard. With work, we have to travel a lot, so in those 6 years, we've probably spent 2 actually with each other" I felt a weight fall on my chest as I said those words. 6 years. It had been 6 years. The nurse noticed my reaction and smiled at me, she left without saying another word.

Steve walked in a couple of seconds later.

"Hi. Hi Steve" I reached out my hand and he pulled it into his chest.

"Is everything all good?"

"Yes everything is good" I smiled at him and he sat back down beside me. I lay on his chest and tears started to fall down my face. I looked up at him.

"Nat, hey hey hey don't cry. What's wrong?"

"I.....I just missed you so much" he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you too Nat"

We lay together, in the small bed for another half hour.

"I'm going to quit"


"I'm going to quit"

"Why? You love your job"

"I know, but I love you more. We've been dating for 6 years. Did you know that? I just want to spend more time with you"

"6 years and 5 months. Of course I know. You thought I wasn't counting. Everyday I get to call you mine is the best day ever"

I settled back down into his chest. My heart felt like it was glowing. I am so in love with this man.

The next few weeks followed the same pattern. Ava would come see me in the mornings and Steve would come at lunch Ava would leave in the afternoon and Steve would stay as late as he was allowed.

It had been a month since I was first admitted, and I was recovering quickly. I was told I should be able to leave by the end of the month. It was a time we were all looking forward to, it couldn't come fast enough.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now