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"Hey Tony! Have you seen Nat?" I hurried into the lab where Tony was fiddling with his reactor.

"Uhhh no. Have you che-"

"Yes, I've checked everywhere, I've checked the kitchen, the living room, the sitting room, the dining room, all the bedrooms, all the bathrooms, the nursery, the roof, the pools, the gym, the gun range, the garden, the courtyard, the gazebo, the training room...everywhere. And her car is in the drive so she hasn't gone back home"

Tony continued to fiddle with his arc reactor, not really paying attention to me.

"Hey Jarvis, where is agent Romanoff?"

"Recreational room B sir"

"What the fuck is a recreational room and where is it?"

"....I'm not going to lie I forgot those existed. You know that corridor that leads away from the gym that nobody ever goes down, yeah there's like three rooms down there, recreational room A, B and C" he shrugged his shoulders and I rolled my eyes. I walked out of the lab and went back down to the gym, walking down the corridor nobody ever goes down.

I stopped outside the door and shook my head. How many years had I lived here and I had never been down here. I pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside the room. It was a large room with white walls and a pale wood floor. There was a large grand piano in the corner and roof to floor mirrors covering one wall. Large bright lights hung from the ceiling flooding the room in a pale light.

My eyes were instantly drawn to Natasha. She was spinning in fast circles, going from flat footed to the tips of her toes, her left leg raised slightly and pointed. She was leaning back slightly, arms extended and eyes closed. She had let her hair down and it was now spinning around after her, her face was relaxed, calm, as if she was at complete and utter piece.

She was wearing a tattered worn pair of ballet shoes that looked too small for her. She landed back on her feet and I crept out of the room, I knew she would want to be alone. I knew she wouldn't want me to question her on it. I walked back up to our room and found a box on our bed. It was a white box with a silk finish, the lid hadn't been put back on properly and there was light turquoise coloured tissue paper poking out.

I lifted the lid and saw the box empty, there were imprints of two ballet shoes left in the tissue paper and a note written on the lid, I pulled out my phone and typed it into google translate.

You must never forget,
You were a dancer first,
                            You are a dancer at heart.

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