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"Hello, is this Ms Johansson?" I stood up from the couch and walked into the hall.

"Uh yes.....can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm calling from the mercy hospital, you're name and number are down here as Ms Natasha Romanoffs emergency contact" I felt my heart rate double in fear.

"I-is everything ok?" I dared to hope they would just be checking something.

"She was in a little car accident" I felt my legs grow weak and I leant against the wall for support.

"Is she ok?"

"Yes, she's fine, she came in about an hour ago, I just wanted to let you know because you will more than likely have to bring her home"

"Um, ok, thank you, I'll be there soon" I hung up and stayed in the hall for a while, trying to catch my breath.

Once I trusted my legs to support my full weight I walked back into the living room, Wanda looked up at me and the smile she was wearing was instantly replaced with a worried expression.

"Is everything ok?"

"That was the mercy hospital, Natasha was in a car crash" I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, they poured down my face and loud sobs forced their way past my lips. Wanda put Avery on the couch and rushed over to me, wrapping me in a warm hug.

"Hey hey hey, it's ok"

'I-I-I was so scared"

"It's ok darling. She's ok. Do you want me to come with you?" I nodded, unable to speak. She hugged me for a little longer before gathering up Averys diaper bag and grabbing her bunny for the kitchen. As Wanda was getting everything together, I picked up the little girl.

"Come on darling, we'll go see Nat ok?"

"Red!!" She repeated loudly, a huge smile spreading across her face at the mention of Natasha.

We all got into the car and Wanda drove us to the hospital. I was a nervous wreck the entire way there. Hospitals were not my favourite place. I rushed into the hospital, Avery on my hip, diaper bag on my shoulder, and Wandas arm looped through mine.

"Hi! How can I help you today?" The receptionist had an overly sweet tone.

"Hi, I'm looking for Natasha Romanoff" I heard Avery mumble 'red' beside me.

"Ah yes, the feisty red head, she's in room 302"

"Thank you" I called back as I rushed down the hall in search of the right room. Once I spotted the right numbers, I basically ran through the door.

".....ugh they didn't call you did they?" Natasha was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning her elbows on her knees, looking utterly bored.

"Are you ok!!???" I put the diaper bag down and walked over to her. She smiled at Avery and held out her arms to her. Avery was very eager to be held by Nat and started kicking her legs.

"Ok ok here you go" I gave Avery to Natasha and stood with Wanda while the two of them got in some much needed cuddles.

" gonna tell us what happened?"

"It was only a little one Ava, calm down, I wasn't even going to come here, but my car is kinda sorta totalled and everyone was telling me I should, and I knew if i was there for three seconds longer I'd end up sending someone else to the hospital"

"How was it only a little crash If your car is totalled!!"

"Ava!! I'm fine! I'm getting discharged soon and everything, ok?"

"Ok, as long as youre not hurt"

"I'm not...........I'm sorry"

"Sorry? for what?" She sat back on the bed and cuddled Avery close.

"I...I ran out on you. I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry"

"Its ok Nat, you were upset. If anything I should be apologising, I didn't mean to upset you"

"You didn't. It's's....a lot" tears returned to her eyes and she pulled Avery closer, resting her head on top of Averys.

"You know you can tell me anything, right Nat?" She looked back up to me, and then over my shoulder at Wanda.

"I swear to fuck Wanda if you look inside my head you'll regret it for the next 20 seconds that you're still alive" I turned my head slightly and watched wanda chuckle awkwardly before walking closer and sitting on the end of Nats bed, crossing her legs.

"You dont have to tell us" Wanda placed a hand on Nats outstretched leg.

"No...I-I want to" I walked around to the other side and sat down so I was shoulder to shoulder to Wanda. We gave her our full attention, patiently waiting for her to tell us.

"The reason I got upset was because, you told me I was going to be a great don't know how wrong you were" her gaze shifted from us, to the toddler falling asleep on her chest.

"I....I can never have this" her voice wobbled and you could hear the lump in her throat as a more tears threatened to fall.

"Don't get me wrong, I want it, more than life, but I just can't have it" she sat quietly for a while, closing her eyes and nuzzling into Avery as a few tears slipped down her cheeks.

"...I was sterilised, back in the Red Room, they took away the one thing that could ever matter more than a mission. They took away any chance we had of a family" my heart shattered, broke into a million pieces.

" have a family Nat, you have us, and Steve, can always adopt if thats something you want" all we got in response was a tiny smile.

She sniffed and looked up at us, shaking her head to get her hair out of her face. She smiled and laughed a little.

"Yeah you're right. I have everything I need right here" I smiled and gave her a hug. I changed the topic to weddings, and more specifically wedding dresses.

"We should go to a bridal store this afternoon" Natasha suggested as pushed tears off her cheeks with one hand, the other still wrapped around Avery.

"O my god. Yes! Can we?!" we talked for a while about dresses and other wedding things until a nurse came to tell us it was time to go.

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