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"How, do you know, my name" I repeated

"I knew you looked familiar, and then, when you started speaking Russian it clicked with me. You're the famous black widow, aka, Natasha Romanoff, aka Natalia Romanova. The red rooms most successful failure. Assassin turned avenger. Yeah, I'm kind of a fan" he smiled nervously at me.

"Um yeah, that's me."

"What do they want?"

"They want me to work with them, they say its a one time thing, but, now that they have leverage its never really going to end"

"Are you going to do it? Go on whatever mission they have planned for you" I leant my head back against the wall.

"I have to" my voice broke in the middle of my sentence and a tear creeped its way down my cheek "I cant let them hurt him"

I cried quietly for a while until I had pushed the thought from my mind. I looked up to to Colin, but he wasn't there.

"Colin?" The sound echoed off the walls.

"I'm here" he slowly came back into view.


"Yeah, I know. Surprise" he smiled weakly. He looked exhausted as if it had taken a lot out of him.

"I don't really have a lot of control over it. It becomes more random if I'm tired, or hungry, or angry, and I'm all of that right now."

"So you have, o, ok then. So you can turn invisible, good to know"

"I can phase as well, just so you know. O and this weird illusion thingy. Like Loki" I just nodded, not knowing how to process this new information.

"Before you ask, no I cant just phase out of the restraints, leave an illusion here, turn invisible and walk out of here. I don't have a lot of control over what I can do, it just kinda, happens every now and then"

He laughed at my reaction.

"How old are you Colin?"

"20...I think. When I was...captured" he gestured around the room "I was almost 20, my birthday was 8 days away, and I don't really know how long I've been here so, 19...or maybe 20"

He was 6, or maybe 7 years younger than me, he looked younger than that. He looked 17.

We were left on our own for the next.....while. I don't know how long. Every now and then someone would come down with some water, but if any thing it made my thirst worse, it was never enough to quench it, it was just a tease. My body was beginning to ache because of my awkward position.

I heard steps on the stairs and watched again as Colin shrunk back into the corner and hid his face.

"Hello Romanova" ....he said it in English, yes it was in a very heavy Russian accent and only 2 words. But it was English. I briefly looked over at Colin, remembering what he said on the first day "I think thats the only reason I'm still here, they want to talk to me but have to figure out how" I caught his eye and saw pure terror reflected there.

He knelt beside me and I recoiled as I was greeted by the warmth of his breath in my face. "We have something that is new today for you" it was poor, but again it was english. He walked over to the wall and undid the knots tying me to the wall.

"Up. Get up" when I didnt move he repeated himself.

"I said UP!" He pulled tightly on the ropes, causing me to gasp. A smile spread across his face, an evil grin. I slowly rose to my feet as yanked at my hands again. He walked over to the door and dragged me after him. I winced in the bright light lowering my head to try and block it out.

I looked down at my once white dress. And tears sprang to my eyes as I thought of the morning I had put it on. My arms and legs were covered in the same filth that coloured my dress black. He pulled me along the all too familiar halls, leading me down another dark staircase. My eyes quickly adjusted to the dark. It was a small empty room, there was no one else here.

He pushed me down to my knees and I took it as an opportunity. I swept my legs around, knocking him to the floor. He dropped the rope and I quickly eased my hands out. I tied the rope around him, fixing his hands to his sides and turned to the doorway. I could hear voices and quickly ran towards the door. I stood flat against the wall and waited for them to appear.

2 men walked in together, chatting in Russian, their conversation came to a stop when they saw him on the floor, they turned and saw me, I smiled at them and one came straight at me, the other started yelling up the stairs and I could hear more footsteps coming down the hall. I moved quickly, delivering a quick punch to the man running at me and leaving him stumbling to the floor, his hands holding his nose. I chased after the runner, grabbing his ankle as he was running up the stairs, he slipped and knocked himself out on the steps.

More bodies started pouring into the room, I fought my way through them, but was soon overpowered. I was quickly tackled to the floor and my hands were bound once again. I could feel a layer of blood start to coat my teeth as I was punched in the face. I was moved into a kneeling position, someone standing behind me, holding my hands in place.

Dreykov walked into the room and lowered himself to my level. He reached out a hand and ran it across my jawline. I nearly bit his fingers off, but restrained myself.

"I was always rooting for you. You know that? I always hoped you'd be the perfect example. But then, you turned on us. Betrayed us. Betrayed me. You were always my favourite. I was hard on you because I knew you could do great things for us. For me. For the greater good. And then you joined S.H.I.E.L.D. You know how that makes me feel Natalia. Like this" he raised his hand and slapped me across the face. I spat out the blood filling my mouth and turned my face towards him again.

"Word on the street says you've gotten engaged. Who is this fiancée of yours hmm? Must be very special, to be brave enough to marry you. Did you tell him about your past. All the people you've killed. Murdered without a second thought. All the people you've hurt." He looked deep into my eyes and I felt violated.

"O come now Natalia I'm just trying to have a chat, no need to look so mad. I'm just trying to learn about the person who was dumb enough to try and marry the cold hearted, killer that you are. Who knows, I might just pay him a visit. Say hi. Have a cup of coffee with him. Tie him up, and break his bones" he got an excited glint in his eyes as he said the last part. As if torturing Steve was everything he's ever wanted to do.

"Fuck. You"

"Oooo Natalia. No need for that. I'm just trying to help. You do this one little job for us and I'll leave you're precious fiancé alone. Just one itty bitty little job hmm? Just add another little name to you're long, long list of innocent victims. Come on, what's one more name. It will either go on yours....or your fiancée's will go on mine"

At this point there were tears streaming down my face.

"IF YOU HURT I SWEAR TO GOD ILL KILL YOU, ILL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU" I screamed at dreykov through my tears. I pulled against my restraints, trying to reach him, to hurt him. I felt movement behind me and heard a tear. There was cold air on my back and I realised they had ripped my dress open. There was a gust of air and a loud thud. Followed by an insane amount of pain radiating through my back.

I let out a loud scream that I was trying to hold in.

"Please. Don't hurt him. You have me. Let that be enough" I begged through my tears.

The baton was brought down on my back again and I stopped trying to hold in my screams. It echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls. Dreykov chuckled at me and nodded to the person behind me. The baton was brought down time and time again. I could feel the blood trickling down my back, hear the sound of people laughing. I collapsed in on myself and was instantly yanked back up again. I couldn't hold up my own weight anymore and I felt a second rope securing me in an upright position.

The pain was becoming too much to bear and I felt myself drifting into unconsciousness.

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