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Ava looks worrisome as she stared at the clock. She was in an after mission brief with me and vision. It was almost 10 at night Fury noticed her jittery demeanor and spoke to her,

"You got somewhere to be, Ms.Johansson?"

Ava shook her head to pull herself from the trance of staring into space

She cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, Director. I have a few things on my mind, " she avoided eye contacted with everyone in the room. I was very tempted to see just what was on her mind, but I wouldn't invade her privacy like that. I had learned my lesson from that time I tried to see what natasha was thinking. She wasn't impressed.

Fury raised his brow and looked unimpressed by Ava's petty, bad lie. "Hm, alright, that's all I got. Well done today, see you all bright and early tomorrow, " she quickly gathered her belongings and rushed to her car. She bumped into me and vision on the way to the garage. Leaving us stunned. Normally, ava would always stop to have a conversation with us or at least say goodnight. But, she pushed right past us both with a worried, almost fearful, look in her eyes.

Ava was never scared. She could be facing death itself and she'd come out with some witty one liner that would be likely to get her killed faster. She doesn't do fear. But, she looked as if she just saw the entire world die and break into pieces.

"Hey, do you know what's been up with ava lately?" I ask vision as we watch her hurry down the hall.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. I've never seen her like this. She has been off though. Maybe it's a personal thing, you should talk to her" he says to me.

I sigh as I hear Ava's jaguar engine roar to life and the tyres screeching as they skid across the polished floor and onto the busy streets. "Maybe I will" Vision nodded and walked off.

"See you tomorrow at the restaurant for Tony's big 'anouncement'" he called back.

I simply nodded and stayed in the garage for a while, wondering what could have ava in such a panic.

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