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I wandered around the city for a while before heading home. It was getting dark when i twisted the key in the lock. I heard movement inside. I froze, i listened carefully and heard someone pacing, the weren't in the hall so i slowly and quietly let myself in, i closed the door behind me and turned to listen. It sounded like they were in the kitchen, i still had all my weapons in my coat, i pulled out a gun and crept towards the kitchen door. I listened

There was no other sound, just the sound of someone pacing the floor. I took a deep breath and kicked open the door pointing my gun where i heard the noise coming from, it was Flynn. He jumped when i came in and threw his hands straight up into the air. His brown eyes widened with fear, and his jet black hair was pushed back from him running his hands through it.

"Why are you in my house" i growled

"Nat..asha I'm sorry look we need to talk" he responded worriedly " I'm sorry i kissed you I couldn't help myself, you're so perfect, but this is more serious then that, we really need to talk"

"No, what needs to happen is you need to leave. Get out of my house. Now!"

"Ok ok ill go but listen to me first, its about Ava.......she's gone"

"What do you mean gone, how is she gone she's at the hospital"

" no she's not, apparently she was discharged 2 days ago, we can't find her"

"HOW DO YOU LOSE YOUR SISTER YOU MORON!!!" I lowered my gun and left the house. I didnt know where i was going but i needed to find Ava.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now