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I groaned when I heard Wanda call my name. She poked my cheek and I unintentionally smiled.

"Ahh, she's finally awake"

"No I'm asleep dumbass"

"Oi!" She slid her arms underneath me and lifted me out of bed like I weighed nothing "you're the dumbass. Come on, we have to finish packing and then we can head to the compound for the briefing"

"I love the way you say that"


"Dumbass" she rolled her eyes at me.

"Dumbass" I smiled again and let her carry me to the kitchen. She sat me on the kitchen table and handed me a bowl.

"Do I need to feed you too or will you be alright?" I grinned at her.

"Hey, do you know if there are any good bakeries around? Because I'd love to have a cutie pie like you?" I winked at her and we both burst out laughing.

"That's got to be the worst pick up line I've ever heard. Its so cheesy!!"

"And you can do better?" She walked closer to me and took my hand in hers.

"If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a whole galaxy in my hand" she turned it over and traced patterns on my palm as she spoke slowly and softly. I got goosebumps.

"I'm no organ donor, but I'd happily give you my heart" the corner of her lip quirked up in an amazing lopsided grin.

"Can I tie your shoes? I cant have you falling for anyone else" I blushed slightly as I thought of one to send back at her.

"Can you pass me an inhaler? You just took my breath away" I responded quite truthfully.

"Can you take me to the doctor? I just broke my leg falling for you" Wanda looked deep into my eyes and I took a minute to catch my breath before delivering another pick up line.

"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" Me gaze shifted from her deepening eyes to her rosy lips. She bit her bottom lip and my breath caught in my throat.

She laughed and my eyes jolted back to hers. She threw her head back in laughter. "You had a couple good ones in there, but most of them were just extremely cheesy." I stayed quiet for a moment and laughed along quietly.

"Says you" I laughed along with her.

"Come on, eat your breakfast and finish packing so we can get going" I put my bowl back on the table, no longer so hungry. I jumped off the table and walked down the hall in front of Wanda.

"You can call me Nemo, cuz I'm not afraid to touch the butt" she slapped my ass as she swaggered off into her room and I started laughing again.

I finished packing quickly and started looking through my closet to find something to wear. I found a pair of cute mom jeans and a light blue off the shoulder jumper. I pulled on my chosen outfit and fastened on an ankle bracelet and some cute plain sandals. I tossed my hair over to the side and applied a light coat of make up.

I left my bags by the front door and dropped onto the couch, fiddling with my rings while I waited for Wanda to be ready to leave

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I left my bags by the front door and dropped onto the couch, fiddling with my rings while I waited for Wanda to be ready to leave. Wanda came out of her room like 2 minutes later in a simple yet cute outfit.

"Hey Nemo

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"Hey Nemo. Ready to go?" She used her powers to throw a cushion at me and I laughed at her, throwing it right back. We both walked out the door laughing. We walked down to the car and Wanda walked up behind me.

"You're damn right I'm Nemo" she chuckled, slapping my ass again. We drove down to the compound blaring feel good hits and screaming the lyrics at each other.

I pushed the door open and Wanda walked in ahead of me "why do cows have hoooves and not feet?" Thor called out from down the hall.

"Umm I don't know Thor"

"Because they lactose" Thor laughed loudly while me and Wanda just stared at him. I rolled my eyes and walked down to the living room.

"HEY TON- shit, sorry" my voice dropped from a yell to a whisper when I discovered Steve, Natasha and Avery cuddled up in a huge blanket fort.

"Awwww" they were in a big pile of blankets and cushions that looked super comfy. I smiled as I notice Steve and Natasha both have their arms linked over Avery, like they were securing her in place, like a seatbelt. I crept out of the room again and met Wanda at the door.

"They're so goddamn cute!" She chuckled.

"I know, come on lets go find Tony" we wandered around for a while, walking into the kitchen and stealing some cookies. We headed towards the briefing rooms and chatted and giggled the whole way there, linking arms.

We opened the door to the briefing room to see Tony and Fury already waiting for us, looks of impatience on their faces. I tried my best to hold in my laughter, but I made the mistake of glancing at Wanda and my laughter erupted in a loud snort. Wanda laughed at me laughing and slapped my arm. We settled a little bit and sat down at the table. Fury glared at me and then at Wanda.

"If you too are finished...." he paused, glaring at the both of us again as we quietly giggled. "We can begin"

The briefing was as per usual, long and boring. We were to leave this afternoon on the Quinjet to a gated community in Hollywood. Very fancy and very snobby. Tony said there would be custom dresses ready for us to help us blend in. Other than that, it would be a pretty simple mission. Go in, blow some stuff up, find the boss, kill him, make sure one person in particular stays alive, come back home. Easy peasy.

I walked back into the living room and saw the three happy campers still asleep. I chuckled and lay down beside Natasha, cuddling into her back, essentially spooning her. Wanda laughed and took a photo before laying down beside me.

"Good night Nemo" I heard Wanda chuckle behind me.

I was sandwiched in between the two best people ever, I was happy, I was asleep in less than 5 minutes.

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