Don't Chase The Truth

By notsoregularYoongHyo

22.8K 891 248

Starring : Park Jihyo (TWICE), Min Yoongi (BTS) and Kang Daniel (Former WannaOne now soloist ) Cover : TWICE... More

The breaking news
Moji Time
The summon to the king's office
Away from the world
An unexpected gift
Authour's note
An unexpected gift part 2
Battery dead
The long phone call
The shower of questions
Time travel
Jin + nayeon = Jinayeon ?
Let's skip some time
Author's Note
Heart Talk
Under The Starry Night
Book Of Questions
My Energy Booster
Welcome Back To Reality
Preparing to meet ( TWICE version )
Preparing To Meet ( BTS version )
Who are you guys ?
We Are Gonna Have A Blast!!?!!
How do you know them?
Friends Or Enemies?
Somethings cooking
A Dream As Sweet As Cream
Back To My Idol Life
Its The Beginning.
Someone New?
Will You Wait?
I Can't !
The Prince and His Angel
My Daily Dose Of Happiness
Let me go... please
Things are always against me....
We Came So Close to The End
What did I do to loose you?
What happened?
My World Is A Whirlpool
The Most Unexpected Events
Letting You Hate Me
Yeah, You Were Never Mine To Loose You
Where Do We Go From Here?
Everything Is The Same?
Get Hurt For Of Me
A Date Or A Hang Out?
Makeover ( ain't a update on Chapter )
A New Start
The Half Fake Half True Smile
Will You let me?
Things Are About To Change
Ruined Reputation
I realized I was Being A Jerk
Walking Down The Memory Lane
A Lifeless Human
A Good Fight
Parting Ways For Good
Loosing Everything
Friend in Need Who? It should be Friend in Drunk
Soju, My Best Friend.
A New Start
" Its A Promise "
Senorita, Melodrama and #FriendshipGoals
She's a Charmer
Meant to be apart
Jealousy, Date.
Something more than likeness
The Wind Goddess
Up No More
Be My Familiar Stranger
It's A Good Kind Of Change
Momentary Happiness
Little Do I Know
Forgive You?
Tripple Treat
Jungkook's Mistake
The girl he likes
What will she do?
As expected

It feels good.

155 12 0
By notsoregularYoongHyo

Jihyo's point of view :

( The next morning..... )

I am feeling like some one is shaking me, I am still in bed with my covers on till my head. Why am I shaking? I have no intention to wake up, please let me sleep.

I felt like something is crawling into by blankets, what is it? a bug? eh... its coming near my ear, I can feel it. AHHH!! what to do now?




Jeongyeon : " PARK JIHYO WAKE UP !!!!!! "

Ah! she yelled directly into my ears and that too with her high pitched voice causing me to sit alarmed on my bed.

Jihyo : " What? did something happen? Is there a fire? a earthquake? did someone fall? "

I asked continuously, what might have happened? I hope the members are all fine.

After waking up for the first time I saw around me to find my members Mina, Sana, Jeongyeon, Nayeon unnie and Chaeyoung laughing at me.

The hell, they woke me up like I am going to die soon and now they are all laughing at me. What, am I that entertaining to watch? Do they enjoy to tease me so much that they won't even let me sleep peacefully?

Jihyo : " Yah!! stop laughing and tell me why you screamed like that! "

I asked glaring at them.

Sana : " You were so cute... "

Yeah, waking up a soundly sleeping person by yelling at them and then calling them cute.... what a great way to disturbing someone's inner peace.

I thought while rolling my eyes and then my sight fell on my alarm clock.

What!!! its just 4:30 a.m, why the hell did they wake me up so early. Don't we have a schedule at 5:30 a.m?

Jihyo : " Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon why did you wake me up so early? I want to sleep. "

I whined and she just rolled her eyes.

Jeongyeon : " Jihyo we have something to ask you. "

Like they seriously woke me up just to ask me something?

Jihyo : " Yah, I am not going to die you can even ask me when we go to work, for now please let me sleep. I beg you, okay? you guys also go and sleep. Good night. "

I said and went back to sleep, I covered my whole body with the blanket so that they won't disturb me again.

I heard Jeongyeon sighing, did they still not leave?

Jihyo : " YAH!! "

I yelled at them, they literally snatched away my blanket and they pulled me up from bed.

Why are they after my life?

Nayeon : " We just have few things to ask. "

Didn't they a few minutes ago say that they have only one thing to ask and now they are saying they have a FEW things to ask.

Jihyo : " Unnie, as you know I came to dorm late and I only got 2 hours of sleep. Please... I beg you.... please let me sleep. Good night unnie, Sana, Mina, Jeongyeon-ah "

I said- no I begged them and I prepared myself to go back to sleep again.

Mina : " Jihyo we also woke up early so we can ask you.. please... "

She said in her soft voice, I sighed and turned back.

Jihyo : " Mina, I am sure your questions can wait... please.. "

I begged them, I really need to sleep now, not only because I want to have some rest but also because I don't want to ruin their moods early in the morning. If they get to know that we are going to have a rushed comeback then they will feel low. I also need time to prepare myself and come up with good encouraging words to tell them.

Sana : " Jihyo please.... "

She said holding my hands, making puppy eyes and kneeling down to reach my height.

Soon enough everyone else followed her and started pleading me in cute aegyo voices.

Jihyo : " Uh!! you guys, sure you are my friends and not enemies? "

I said giving up my idea of going back to sleep, and of course who can resist the charms of TWICE.

NaJeongSaMi : " Yes!! "

They exclaimed with happiness, they are grinning exactly like idiots.

I thought while rolling my eyes. Bye, bye, sleep.



Its been a few minutes after my sleep was disturbed. After I had agreed to answer the questions of my members they had ran off my room to wake up the others who are still sleeping. Surprisingly within a few minutes everyone gathered around me. Now we are all sitting in a circle and I am the main point of focus for them.

Wait... it feels like Deja Vu.

Jihyo : " So? "

I said that in a way of asking them what they want to ask me.

Nayeon : " So.. why did PD-nim call you? "

She asked and this time the others didn't bombard me with questions like they used to do. No one else spoke up which was quiet a new sight to me. And they didn't even jump to conclusions on their own this time, too bad Mina won't get to say 'will you guys let her speak' this time.

All their eyes were glued on me, expecting me to speak up and feed their curiosity. I sighed, do I really have to do this? they all will surely be heart broken.

Jihyo : " Um... Pd-nim said that we are going to have another comeback.... "

I said too softly, even quieter than Mina but it seems like they all heard it cause the atmosphere around was too quiet.

Tzuyu : " Isn't that old news? "

Dahyun : " We already know that unnie! "

She added in a bored voice

Chaeyoung : " You guys woke me up just to say this? "

Momo : " Be precise. "

She said when the maknae's had finished their complains, I looked up to face her, she was being serious, it was like she knows something is off or more like she is thinking that PD-nim spoke something about her relationship, with me.

Jihyo : " Our comeback.... * biting the lower lip * it will be preponed. "

I said more quietly this time and looked down not wanting to see their pain-filled and exhausted faces. It really hurts a lot.

I heard few sighs of regret and few soft whines. They really hate it. I looked up after a few minutes to see that Sana unnie was patting the back of Dahyun and Chaeyoung in way of encouraging them by saying 'it won't be that difficult' while the rap duo were making faces. I smiled a bit and then saw Nayeon unnie resting her head on Tzuyu's shoulders and they seemed like they were internally cursing our PD-nim. Momo had her face down, void of emotion. My smile instantly dropped on seeing her state. Mina and Jeongyeon seemed deep in thought, maybe thinking of what the reason for the hurried comeback might be.

I really feel very bad, they have been working non-stop and yet instead of getting a break they are getting extra-work.

Jeongyeon : " What is the reason? "

She asked in a cold and blunt tone, she seems tired but also curious to know the reason.

Should I really say the actual reason? or shall I say the made-up reason? What ever I say either one of the member will surely be offended.

Why does it have to be always me in these kind of situations?

Jihyo : " He said that... the popularity and love we are receiving right now are very good and... since many are loving FANCY internationally, if we release another such song then they will surely join our fandom. "

I lied and I am hoping that my members will buy it. I heard a few scoffs but didn't get any other responses other than that. Looks like my members are convinced with the reason. Well... its a natural tendency of JYP PD-nim to make us release new songs when he thinks that it would be a good bait to catch fans who are getting interested in it was not fully surprising for them to believe me.

Jihyo : " Trust me guys... I tried really hard to make him change his mind... but... but he was not ready to listen to me. I am really very sorry. "

I said to them, I really am a very bad leader. I couldn't even help my members in their hard times.

TWICE : " Ahh... it's not your fault! "

Tzuyu : " I really hate our PD-nim! "

Dahyun : " You didn't do anything wrong unnie! "

Chaeyoung : " Its not your fault don't apologize unnie! "

Sana : " Don't worry Jihyo we can do it! "

Momo : " You tried you best! "

Mina : " Don't blame yourself! "

Nayeon : " We can make it through! "

Jeongyeon : " Don't think that you are the cause for everything! "

I looked down, they all are too exhausted and they are feeling bad yet they are trying to calm me down. My tears which I didn't know were starting to form in my eyes now rolled down my cheeks.

One by one they all came and hugged me, it was a group hug, one of the specialities of TWICE which provides comfort to others.

Sana : " What if we are having a comeback? we should be happy that we can see our fans again. "

She said breaking the hug first and then cupping my face with her hands.

Dahyun : " That's right! Unnie you should try to get your lyrics accepted in the album this time. "

She said as she wiped my tears off, she is talking about the many lyrics which I had written but PD-nim rejected them all saying that it won't fit to TWICE's albums.

Nayeon : " Chaeyoung-ah you should try to compose another song this time! "

She suggested happily after Chaeyoung's song Strawberry became a hit.

Chaeyoung : " Should I? "

She asked a bit shyly.

Mina : " I see why not? Your works are good, give your best "

She said encouraging Chaeyoung.

Momo : " What kind of concept shall we do this time? "

She asked curiously and gained everyone's attention.

After that one by one everyone started to share their ideas, what they wanted to do for this album and other things. I am really very blessed to be a part of TWICE which contains such loving and caring members.

Tzuyu : " You see unnie. we are all very excited so don't burden yourself. "

She said while back hugging me, our Maknae is fully grown now.

Yeah... if we are going to do it then lets do it with a happy and positive mind rather thinking about the negative part.

Nayeon : " Of course, we are TWICE and there is nothing we can't do if we are together. "

She said putting her fist up in the air in a way of encouraging others.

Sana : " Right! lets all give another perfect song and blow off the whole industry. "

She said exaggerating a bit.

Dahyun : " So from now lets prepare the best comeback ever!! "

Jeongyeon : " Everyone come on!! its time to bring TWICE back! "

She said, though no one understood what she meant we still smiled in a way of appreciating her effort to encourage us.

Chaeyoung : " Lets make everyone hang their mouths open in surprise! "

The baby tiger roared.

Then we all gathered around in a circle, put our hands together and cheered.

TWICE : " TWICE! TWICE! Let's do it!!! "

We exclaimed and once again shared a group hug. We all know its going to be hard, its going to be tough, its going to be tiring, difficult and its going to be a long fight... but still we want to fight and make sure to prove to everyone that TWICE will always be strong.

After that we all broke the hug. With smiling faces we looked at each other.

Tzuyu : " Now unnie, as you can see we are not one bit affected by the fact you just said. Instead of feeling down and blaming yourself please give us our new schedules so that we can break new records. "

She said to which I giggled.

Jihyo : " Its still with our manager, you guys... if you want then go to sleep or else prepare yourself for the day. "

I said to which Tzuyu replied sarcastically,

Tzuyu : " Who can sleep after being woken up by a very annoying bunny who says that if we won't wake up then she will kiss us. "

She replied to which the others chuckled while Nayeon unnie pouted out her lips and made kissing sounds which was cringy and disgusting to see. She then went towards Tzuyu while making kissing gestures and the baby Yoda ran for her life before commenting

Tzuyu : " I don't want to be harassed by a bunny. "

We all laughed at the sight and then one by one everyone started moving towards their room.

Mina : " Don't worry about me, I can manage. "

She said assuring me that she will be fine. I smiled and replied,

Jihyo : " I spoke to PD-nim, he said that you only need to do the recording and MV shooting. If you still find it uncomfortable then tell me I will speak to him again about it. "

I assured her and she flashed her honey smile. Then she made her way towards our room. Jeongyeon was the only one remaining in the hall and she came near me and said,

Jeongyeon : " Don't worry, we all can handle it.... "

She said to which I smiled in return instead of replying anything. But before leaving she said,

Jeongyeon : " Also... don't lie like this, it makes me think you are not the Jihyo I know. "

She said with a straight face and cold voice, no hidden meaning in it. In her words it was crystal clear what she wanted to say. Its just that it seemed that she was blaming me instead of consoling me. Strange... or maybe I am just over thinking. There's no way Jeongyeon will blame me for something I didn't do intentionally....., right?

Of course, how can you doubt your friend Jihyo? that I have told the girls what is comin up it feels a bit better.






Thank you for reading, hope you guys enjoyed.

I Can't stop me English version is coming up and I am too much excited. Yoongi was present in Life goes On first performance. TWICE world domination is about to begin with them starting to promote in the West.

Deja Vu = a feeling of already having experienced the present situation.

Vote if you like the chapter, comment if you want to. Feel free to point out my mistakes.

I am loosing my voters... why? What happened to you guys?

Bye, take care.

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