The Protector

By justgeeking

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They were famous. There was the Chosen One. The Brightest Witch of her age. Weasley was their King. But her s... More

Quick Author's Note
I Got A Letter
Keeper Of Keys
Diagon Alley
Platform 9 3/4
Welcome to Hogwarts
First day; First Classes
Lemon Drops
*Christmas Time*
Time Passes
Back to School
Obstacles Galore
End of First Year
Weasleys to the Rescue
The Burrow
Diagon Alley
Missing the Train...
Oh Boy...
First Day of Second Year
Rude Much
A Strange Detention and Hearing Things
A Little More Clear
The Library
First Quidditch Match: Year 2
Dueling Club
What to do...
Another Attack, Another Blame
Changing Into My Enemy
New Accusations and Theories
Out of my Control
So...We Followed The Spiders
Our Goon of A Teacher
The Chamber of Secrets
Saving Dobby
The End of Second Year
What'd You Do, Harry?
Weird Things
Attacked On The Hogwarts Train
A Nice Welcome Back
First Classes of Third Year
Special Lessons
First Date In Hogsmeade
Sirius Black In The Castle
Werewolves and Annoying People
Not Enough Sleep
My Animagus
Second Date...?
Wondering About The Corridors
Good-bye Buckbeak
Being Badass
I Can't Believe It
Great Ending of 3rd Year
I Forgive You
Oh, Weasleys...
...The Quidditch World Cup...
The Mark
Welcoming New Schools
Triwizard Champions
My Romeo ♥️
The First Task
Dance Lessons
Yule Ball
Clues for the Second Task
The Second Task
The Pensieve
The Third Task
He's Back
Ending Fourth Year
Not A Way To Begin Summer
Order of the Phoenix
So Many Emotions
Our Hearing
Hogwarts Bound
Defense Against The Dark Arts
Not Alone
Umbridge At It Again
A Prophecy
Dumbledore's Army
Date Night
Practice and Practice
The Dream
Christmas Break
Hagrid's home
We Got Caught
Anger I've Never Felt
Hagrid's Secret
Fireworks 🎇
Dumbledore's Secret Weapon
The Department of Mysteries
Ending of Fifth Year
Summer Time
Potions Class
There Are Signs
Quidditch Season
The Three Broomsticks
Slughorn's Dinner
Harry Was Right
The Truth
Passing Time
Slughorn's Party
Holiday Break
Poison in the Drinks
Evening with Slughorn
Last Wishes
Rest in Peace
Beginning of the End
To The Burrow
A Crashed Wedding
Nearly Killed in a Cafe
Grimmauld Place
Invading the Ministry
Camping With Horcruxes
My Adventures With Ron
Back Together
Hello Hermione
The Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manor
Finally, He Apologized
Burying Dobby
Deciding the Next Step
Author's Note (Please Read)
Robbing Gringotts
Escaping on a Dragon
Aberforth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts; Back at Home
Finding Another Horcrux
Goodbye Snape
Losing Everyone I've Loved
Fighting For Love
The Happy Ending
Please Read
Thank You!

Welcome Back to Hogwarts

415 16 0
By justgeeking

We arrived at Hogwarts on time. Harry hadn't came back. I was worried for him. Hermione and Ron began to leave towards the castle when I called out to them, "Hey, I'm going to look for Harry."

"Alright," Hermione called back. "Stay safe."

I exited the train. Tons of students flocked out of their compartments. I nearly got swept behind with the crowd. I saw Hagrid corral all the first years.

Someone nudged past me. It was Pugface. I hadn't seen her since third year. Figured she would've at least made fun of me last year. She locked eyes with me before turning back to a kid I had never seen before and walking off.

I continued down the path until I came to a cart with all its window blinds pulled down. I was about to pull open the door when it opened itself. Draco came out. Before he could take a step down. I almost lost my breath. He looked good. Changed over the summer. "Hey."

He didn't say anything. He stepped off the train and began to walk off. I followed him, "Hey!" I grabbed his hand. It was cold. Rough. Not like it had been before.

He turned to me, "What?"

"What's with you? Didn't write to me all summer? Come back and you're acting like an asshole? What happened?"

"Mind your own business," Draco spat. "Your friends in the cart. Might want to check on him." He turned and walked off.

I tried not to get hurt by him or his words. I turned back and hopped onto the train. I opened the door. I couldn't see anything. Then it came to mind, Shit! He probably grabbed his invisibility cloak.

"Harry!" I called out. I took a step forward. When I did, I tripped on something or someone. I fell to the ground and groaned.

I heard the door open, "Bridget?"

"Hi Luna," I smiled up at her.

"Hold still," she spoke softly. "Something is right in front of you." She lifted the blanket off. It was Harry. I tripped on Harry.

I grabbed the invisibility cloak and stood up, "Harry! What were you thinking?"

"Thank you Luna," Harry got up too. "How'd you find us?"

"Your head is full of rackspurts," she commented. "Let go before the train leaves."

We were walking off the train within a few seconds. I grabbed Harry's hand right as we stepped on the platform. His face turned to me and that's when I noticed the blood. "Harry, what happened?"

"Your bloody douche boyfriend," he glared at me.

"Hey, I don't control him," I told Harry as we continued to walk after Luna. "And you shouldn't have been trying to find out information like that. He could've done much worse."

I walked up to Luna, "Thank you Luna. We really appreciate it."

"And sorry about the carriages," Harry walked next to her on the other side. "We didn't mean to make you miss them."

"Oh it's okay," Luna spoke. "It's just like helping a friend."

"We are friends," I smiled to her as we entered the Hogwarts gates.

"That's very thoughtful of you."

"I have been looking everywhere for you three," Flitwick pointed at us. "Now, what are your names so I can mark you off?"

"I thought you said you've been looking for us?" I asked.

"Besides, we've known you since first year," Harry agreed.

"There will be no exceptions," he marked down on his paper.

Luna pointed to a couple of men standing by the luggage, "Who are they?"

"Security," our Charms Professor answered.

We stopped and watched as Draco had an argument with one of the guys looking through his things. Snape came in to save the day, "I will vouch for Draco Malfoy."

Draco grabbed his stick from Filch. He turned to us and chuckled, "Nice nose job, Potter."

"Hey a-" Luna tugged on my arm. I turned to her.

"It's best not to do that right now."

I nodded, "If you say so." I turned to Harry's nose. It looked cracked and swollen. I felt bad for him.

"I can fix it, if you'd like," Luna took out her wand as she turned to Harry. "Although, you look rather dashing this way, it's all up to you."

"Have you ever done it before?" Harry asked.

"No," she shook her head. "But I've done some toes. They're not too different."

I shielded my eyes, I cannot watch this.

"Then, sure. Go right ahead," I heard Harry tell her.


I heard a crack and Harry shout. I cringed, Oh that sounded awful. That sounded like it really hurt. I looked back to Harry. His nose looked almost back to normal. But his nose was bleeding again. He turned to me, "How does it look?"

"Looks fine to me," I shrugged.

"That's what I like to hear."


I walked into the Great Hall and immediately saw Hermione hitting Ron with a book. I smirked, "Those are our friends."

Harry's laughter was a little bit muffled by his towel on his nose. We walked into the Great Hall, right to our friends. I made eye contact with Draco, but he instantly turned away.

We sat down. Hermione instantly started to interrogate us, "What have you been doing?! What's wrong with your face?!"

"I'm fine," Harry saved her off.

"Draco caught Harry snooping," I told her the truth.

"That's not the point," Harry sighed. "So what happened while we were gone?"

"Same old speech," Ron sighed. "Sayin we need to be strong at times like these. What good does he know? It's a hat." I figured he was talking about the sorting hat.

Dumbledore caught our attention, "I hope everyone is having a splendid evening. First I would like introduce your new Potions teacher, Professor Slughorn." An older guy stood up.

"That's the guy you were talking about, right?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded.

"While he is in potions, Professor Snape will take the role as your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

"That's what he's always wanted," I commented. "I'm surprised he doesn't look happier."

"He's never happy," Ron chuckled.

"As most of you know, you've been searched when you first arrived," Dumbledore continued. "and I feel as though you deserve to know why. A long while back, a boy sat in the very chairs you are sitting in right now. He walked these halls and was taught in those classrooms. He was just as much a student as you are. His name was Tom Riddle."


I turned to Ginny, who had looked down to her plate. I reached over Harry and gripped her hand. She smiled at me before I let go.

Dumbledore continued, "Now, you know him by a different name. As I stand here, looking out to all of you tonight, I'm reminded that every hour of every day, in this moment, dark sources are trying to tear down our walls and walk right in. But in the end, the greatest weapon they have are you students. We need to keep you safe. To end on a good note, Ms. Meadows, will you do the honors?"

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