Platform 9 3/4

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We walked into Kings Cross Station. I've never went there before, so most of it was new for me. It was so beautiful. But I didn't like the all. So many of them in small spaces. Social settings weren't necessarily good for me. Unless I know everyone. I could Iris wasn't liking it either. She kept meowing, and scurrying around her cage. I sighed, I wish I could talk to animals...that would be so cool.

We walked up this bridge like thing and Hagrid checked his pocket watch, "Oh look at the time. I got to go Harry and Bridget. Dumbledore will be wanting this. And me of course..." He patted his shoulder pouch. He paused. "Uh, yer train will be leavin' in about 10 minutes: 11 o'clock. Here's your ticket," He gave us both a ticket.

I read it, "Platform 9 3/4," I furrowed my brows.

"Yes. Make sure you go there. No matter what anyone says."

Harry read it softly to himself. I giggled because I could hear him. He's always done that, and I just think it the cutest thing. Then he spoke up, "But Hagrid, there's no such thing as Platform 9 3/4."

We both looked to where Hagrid was supposed to be standing but he was gone. Harry looked to me, "Just you and me."

I sighed and smiled, "I guess so."

He smiled, pushed his trolley, and started to walk towards the people. I followed him, pushing mine as well, and into the crowds we went.

We walked until we saw Platforms 9 and 10. A man was guiding everyone where to go. Harry walked up to him; I was right behind him. But isn't he a muggle? I asked myself. Harry, you probably shouldn't...

"Excuse me, but how do we get to Platform 9 3/4?" Harry asked politely.

"Platform 9 3/4? Are you jokin'? Out of my way kid, you're wasting my time," that was all he muttering before walking away.

I shook my head, "I thought he was a muggle."

"It's like this every year. Packed with muggles. Come on, Platform 9 3/4 is this way kids." Harry and I looked ahead and saw a woman holding hands with a little girl. Behind her were four other boys; three who looked older, and one who seemed about our age. All of whom were red-headed and freckled.

I decided to follow them. I figured that they'd be able to help. I strolled up next to the boy who looked our age.

"Alright, Percy, you go first." She guided her son in front. He looked much older than the one I was standing next to. I noticed him wearing a fancy pin in the form of a P. I watched as he ran into the brick wall that held the platform numbers. My mouth went wide.

The woman saw me, and smiled, "Are you a first year?" All her children looked at me and smiled.

I nodded, still in shock. How? What? Why?

She laughed, "Hold on, Fred and George. You next."

Two of the three boys got up front, "He's not Fred. He's George," One of them said.

"Honestly, woman. Can't even tell your sons apart," the other one said.

"Oh sorry," The woman said.

They walked up, "We were only joking," They said in unison. They looked identical. Twins most definitely.

"I'm Fred."

"I'm George."

Now I was confused. I stared at my trunk. I'm going to have to run into a brick wall.

After the boys were gone, she came up to me, "Okay, now, what's your name?"

"Bridget Meadows, and this is my friend Harry. We were wondering, how exactly do we get to Platform 9 3/4?"

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