Dance Lessons

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I watched from the wall as Harry was picked up by the Weasley twins. He had the biggest smile on his face. That made me have one too. It was nice to see him happy and loved by other people besides myself.

All the Gryffindors were cheering even hours after Harry had caught the egg. Everyone had been able to touch the egg.

A second year Gryffindor came up to me, "Hey, Bridget."

"Whats up kiddo?" I asked.

"Why aren't you up there with him? Aren't you guys a package deal?" She asked me.

"Yes," I chuckled, "but I have to let him have his fame and fortune so I'm able to knock him down to earth. We have to balance each other out."

"That makes sense," she nodded.

"Say, whats your name?" I asked.

She looked at me with wide eyes, as if she would've never thought I would ask her that, "Um...Melody. Melody Banter."

"Nice to meet-"

A loud squeal and shrieking caused all of us to shrill up and shrink. I groaned and covered my ears. Somehow it stopped. I looked up over the hunches people. Harry was holding the egg, carrying a disturbed face. I was about to say something when another voice came through clear as day.

"What the bloody hell did that?!" Ron was standing in the frame leading up to the dormitories. Everyone went silent.

"Sorry, but I gotta go Melody. See ya," I nodded towards her. I walked over to Harry as did Ron.

Fred has said something to make everyone walk away. It was just Harry, Ron, and I. Hermione was no place to be seen.

"Hey," Ron seemed a bit cowardly. "I reckoned that you would've been off your rocker to put in your own name into the goblet of fire."

"Glad you can tell," I smiled.

"Took ya long enough," Harry had a straight face. Rolling my eyes, I nudged him in the side. He winced and looked to me, "What? It's true."

"I wasn't the only one who thought so," Ron pipped up. "Everyone was talking about it."

"Wonderful. That just makes me feel great," Harry looked around.

"I'm not too surprised," I shook my head.

"Hey, Bridget," someone had called out from behind. I turned to look as the boys began to walk away from me. A group of Year twos and ones came and crowded around me.


"Can we ask you some questions?"

"Is this Melody's doing?" I asked.

"Well, we've all took it upon ourselves to name you Mother of Gryffindor house," a small voice perked up from the back.

"What?" I laughed.

"You are the Mother of the Gryffindors, if that's okay?" Melody smiled, and stood next to her friends.

"I mean, whatever you guys want. But I just- you know what? Never mind. I'm your mother now." I smiled.

They all squealed and giggled as they ran to another side of the common room. Children are weird.


It was now lunch/study hall for us students. Everyone was enjoying their food and working on homework, as well as chatting with their friends. That was exactly what we were doing.

The twins walked passed, "Hey Harry."

I smiled, and nodded. I watched as Harry drink his pumpkin juice and looked over to the Ravenclaw table. Cho looked at us and smiled. I saw Harry try to smile, and instead made a fool of himself. His juice rolled down out of his mouth and down his chin onto his shirt.

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