The Truth

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I lifted the covers and turned to my best friend, "Yeah?"

"Is everything okay?"

I gave her a small smile, "It's going to." It went silent as I was getting ready. I turned to her. Hermione didn't seem to good either. I sat on her bed, "What about you? You didn't really explain last night."

"Ronald was snogging Lavander Brown in front of everyone," she turned a page in her book.

I scrunched up my face, "Really? I'm sorry, 'Mione."

"It's fine," she waved it off. "There are plenty of boys here who aren't oblivious and stupid."

"Like McLaggen?"

She took a deep breath, "I guess." She looked over to me, "Since you aren't in a relationship, who are you going to take to Slughorn's Christmas party?"

"No clue."

"You might want to find out," she stood up. "So what are your plans today?"

"I need to talk to Dumbledore sometime," I nodded. "Might go take a walk. Why? Thinking of doing something?"

"Maybe you, Ginny, and I could do things today," she nodded. "Like go to Hogsmeade or just hang out. Yeah."

"Are things going good with her and Dean?"

"Not really," she shrugged. "So when were planning on talking to Dumbledore?"

"Not till later," I stood up. "I'll send a letter to Dumbledore telling him I'll see him tonight. Let's go get Ginny."


"So," Ginny laughed, "there's a muggle thing like my Pygmy Puff?"

"Well it's not real," I smiled.

"But I guess," Hermione nodded.

"Yeah, your Pygmy Puff is like a mix between Kirby and Jiggly Puff."

"Which is a...poke a ball?" She asked.

"Pokémon," Hermione corrected.

I felt someone nudge passed me. I turned to apologize or see who it was. I turned around instantly after seeing his posse with him. I turned to the girls, "So what else should we do?"

"Got anything else to show me?" Ginny asked back.

"We could go have tea with McGonagall or Hagrid," Hermione suggested.

"Ooo, Hagrid's," I nodded. "Then we can take a walk through the forest or check out the Thestrals."

We turned the corner but immediately went back after seeing Ron and Lavander. Not a pretty sight to see. We headed to Hagrid's. The snow was beginning to melt; sludge was the only thing on the ground. 

I entered the hut, "Hagrid?"

"Bridget?" Hagrid came from the kitchen with a bowl. "'Mione? Ms. Weasley? What are you all doing here?"

"We came for tea," I smiled. "Sorry we didn't ask sooner. Last minute thing."

"Well, come on in," he smiled. "I'll start to brew."

Fang came tumbling towards me. I smiled, until he jumped and I fell to the ground. I giggled, "Thank you...Thank you for the kisses."

I got up and sat at the table. We began to make conversation. An owl flew through the window. It dropped a letter in front of me before leaving. I picked it up.

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