Anger I've Never Felt

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Filch put up another decree Umbridge made. It made me sick to my stomach, but I knew it was going to happen the moment Dumbledore left.

Professor Dolores Umbridge will replace Professor Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I read it to myself over and over again.

Her voice could be heard all parts of the day. Her voice would repeat to us all the decrees she had made into motion. Things were darker. Things weren't right.

"Hey, Bridget," Draco caught up with me in the hallway. "Can we talk real quick?"

"We are right now, aren't we?" I asked.

"Funny," he replied just as sarcastically. "Come on." He grabbed my arm and we rounded a corner.

I pulled away from him, "Umbridge's rule: no boy and girl should be within 8 inches from each other. You of all people should know that."

"Look," Draco sighed. "You haven't been the same since after Christmas break. What's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me?" I laughed. "You joined the 'Umbridge gang'. You follow her like a lost puppy. You could've joined chess club or something."

"We can't have that anymore," he said in a quiet tone.

"Exactly," I whined. "And why is that? Because Umbridge is a complete nutter!"

"Don't speak about our headmaster like that," Draco demanded.

"Oh so when you did it a few years ago it's fine but now when I do it, it's disrespectful?" I laughed. "Ya know, why don't you go report me, your own girlfriend, to your boss? I'm sure she'd love to kick me out."

"It's not my fault Dumbledore's gone."

I looked at him with disbelief. Did he just say that? "So, you're saying it's my fault?!"

"I'm saying I wasn't the one who named it Dumbledore's Army."

"So you are blaming me," I could feel the anger boiling in my blood. "I'm going to walk away now. Because I have places I need to be," I started to walk backwards. "But, just so you know, I'm very disappointed in you, Draco Lucius Malfoy. You can do better than this."


All the kids who were in Dumbledore's Army had to go to a special detention. I already knew that those weren't normal quills. I stared at it. The others started to write. I didn't.

"Miss Meadows."

I looked up. Dolores was making her way towards me, "Why aren't you doing your punishment?"

"Because I shouldn't be punished for doing something right."

"What you did was wrong."

"No," I shook my head. "You're just too scared to face the real facts."

"Do your sentences."


"Right now, Miss Meadows."

"What are you going to do, Professor?" I asked. "Perform the imperius curse on me? Like I haven't felt that before."

"I will expel you from Hogwarts," she smirked. "I have that ability now."

"You wouldn't have needed to threaten me if you weren't threatened by me," reluctantly, I picked up the black quill. Everyone began wincing. It was starting to set in for them.

Instead of writing the sentences she told us to, I wrote my own little message.

I heard almost crying from one of the rows. Nigel was trying so hard to keep it together.  It I could tell he was hurting. Really bad, actually. Keep your focus Bridget. I told myself. You can talk to him after.

We exited. Cho was waiting outside. Everyone nudged passed her. I didn't. I should've been mad. I should've been angry. But I guess I was so angry at everything and everybody else that I couldn't be.

"I'm sorry, Bridget," Cho whispered.

"Don't be," I grabbed her hand. "I understand. In certain situations, things are hard. Plus she probably drugged you with Veritaserum which you can't stop. It's not your fault."

"Thank you," she almost seemed to be crying.

"Come on, Bridge," Harry called for me.

I glared at him, before walking in the opposite direction. I made it back to the Gryffindor common room. Everyone watched as I came in. They were either rubbing their hands or not moving them at all.

Harry stood up as to talk to me. I walked right passed him without a second thought. I ran up to our dorms. I sat on my bed and got out some extra homework I knew wasn't due until a few weeks. I just needed to get my mind off things.

The door opened, "Bridget?"

"Yes, Hermione."

I heard the door close. I looked up and she was coming over to my bed. She sat next to me, "That's only due in a few weeks. You have time to do it later-"

"I know," I nodded and went back to it. "But I want to get started now. Hopefully I can get it turned in early for extra points."

"Bridget, please," Hermione begged. "Just come down and talk to us."

"What's there to talk about Hermione?" I asked.

"Well with Dumbledore gone-"

"We aren't doing anything," I told her. "It's too risky. We have no escape route this time."

"We don't need one-"

"Hermione," I looked to her, "we are done talking about this."

"Bridget, just come downstairs-"

"We are done talking about this," I repeated myself.

"Well, when you're ready to come out of your solitude," Hermione got off my bed, "we're going to Hagrid's because he wanted to see us. All of us. We hope you join us."

I didn't look up to her. I heard her leave the room. I didn't move for a moment. This wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want to be angry at Harry. Or anybody for that matter. I just couldn't help but think it was our fault. But I had told them not to name it Dumbledore's Army.

Iris jumped into my lap. I looked down to her, "Where have you been this entire time?"

She looked up to me, None of your business.

"That's fair," I nodded. I began to pet her. It was calming. I wasn't alone.

After a couple of minutes, I went downstairs. My trio had left, as I had hoped. Nigel was sitting with Fred and George. They were trying to cheer him up.

"Hey, Nigel," I sat across from them. "Twins. How are you guys holding up?"

"It's hurts," Nigel extended his hand.

"Don't move," I whipped out my wand. "Tergeo," I whispered.

His blood was cleaned off. Now there was just a scar. He looked down in astonishment, "How'd you do that?"

"Lots of practice," I sighed. "That's not a good thing though. So don't wish for it."

He nodded, "So all your friends left. Are you going to follow them?"

I took a breath in, "I don't know."

"Well you still love them, right?"

"Of course," I nodded. "That will never change. Things are just complicated."

"Then go make things simple," Fred piped up.

"That's probably the best and easiest thing to do," George agreed.

"Go follow your friends."

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