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"We're traveling on foot today," Harry woke me up with that sentence. 


"Hermione and I talked about it this morning while we went to get firewood," Harry handed me a bottled water. "Since Ron isn't strong enough to apparate, then we can just walk."

"I don't think that would be a very good idea," I sat up and yawned. "How would we even know where we're going?" 

"We'll figure it out," He said. 

"Here, get dressed," Hermione threw me some clothes. 

"Why didn't you guys consult Ron or me before deciding this?"

"We don't have to tell you everything," Harry bent over to tie. 

I could tell whether I should feel offended or okay with what he said. I went to get myself dressed. I got changed. I walked out and the only one left was me. I grabbed my wand after checking the rest of the tent. I got outside. They were all waiting for me. I watched as Hermione and Harry took down the tent. 

We started on our way after that. We walked for hours. Hermione and Harry led the way. I almost thought that Harry was trying to replace me because of the things I was holding back from him. I felt bad about it, but I had no choice. 

I turned to Ron. He seemed a little angry, even jealous, that they were just together up front. I nudged him, "Just talk to her." 


"Just talk to her," I replied. "You don't seem very happy right now. Granted I'm not either, but that's for other reasons." 

"I can't do that, Bridge. You know that." 

I took a deep breath, "Fine. But don't start getting jealous because you didn't do anything about it. Also it's my turn with the necklace."

He handed it over. I put it on over my head. I set it inside my shirt as we headed on. 

Whenever the radio was on, I'd always listen to it. Hoping for some sort of good news. Luckily, I couldn't hear anyone that I knew. It was stupid, but I was always hoping not to hear Draco's name. I knew I wouldn't, with him being a...yeah, but you never knew. 

Occasionally, we'd have to hide while we were traveling. Death Eaters were everywhere. I couldn't tell whether they were searching for us or other victims. It would make my heart race. just hearing them swish by. God, I can't wait for this to be over.  

Everywhere we'd go, things we be destroyed. We passed through a trailer park once, and all of them were burnt or blown up somehow. It made my sick to my core. How could someone do that to somebody else without knowing them? It didn't make sense. 

We stopped to rest and take camp underneath a bridge. I sat on the coastline near our tent. It made me happy to hear Hermione and Ron talking again. But Harry really hasn't said a word to me much. 

I threw in a rock and watched it sink. Me. 

I looked up. The sky was grey. I could only imagine what the students at Hogwarts were going through. I'm happy that I hadn't gone this year...but what about Nigel? What about Ginny and Neville? Blaise (even thought I barely knew him)? It all made me kind of depressed. A little numb. 

The next day, we ended up somewhere else. More walking. Less talking. We ended up in a
sort-of valley near a body of water. I sat near the dark water again. Just thinking. I seemed to be doing that a lot since I haven't been talking as much. 

One night, the radio wasn't on. I was sitting, reading a charms and enchantments book. The only sound was the snipping of Hermione cutting Harry's hair. I tried not to listen to it and read my book. But it was a little difficult seeing as it was the only sound in the tent. 

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