The Library

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Finally the end of the day came. Took forever though. After the last class I had, I ran to the library. I had told the trio earlier that I would go there right after the last class, and I would meet them there. I got in, almost out of breath. I stopped in the doorway and took a deep breath. The library was also one of my favorite places. It was quiet and filled with books. I looked through the books, trying to find some on Hogwarts. I got a few and set them on a table near by. I sat down and started to go through them. 

C. C. Chamber...Chamber? Nothing. 

"I heard you'd be here."

I jumped and spun around, "Draco?! Hey..."

He sat down next to me, "Whatcha doing?" 

"Doing research for the Chamber of Secrets," I said picking my next book. 

"Speaking of that," He started. I looked to him, and he looked serious. I looked to his eyes, and they were filled with worry. 

"What Draco?" I asked. 

"I heard that it goes after muggle-borns and I just wanted to say be careful." 

"Draco," I sighed looking back to my book, "I don't know why you would care, but I'll be fine." 

"Listen to me," He touched my hand, and I snapped my head in his direction. I could feel my face getting red. "I know things you don't, okay?" 

'I know things you don't'? He touched my hand? I'm getting hot? Am I catching a fever? I feel fine. I grabbed my books and I could feel my heart racing, "Okay," I walked back through the aisles and I could hear Draco behind me. "But listen to me when I say, I can handle myself." 

"Okay," He stood there as I put the books in there place. I got the last one up, and I turned to him. He gave me a smile. The same one he gave me when he  walked past me earlier. Then we heard a familiar voice, "Drakey?"  

We both looked to each other, then we peered around the corner. Pansy Parkinson was looking around. We looked to each other, "Might want to go back to your love, 'Drakey'," I giggled as I called him his pet name. 

"Don't call me 'Drakey', " He almost looked scared of Pansy. "Also, not going out there." 

"Why not?" I asked crossing my arms. 

"Because she is all over me," He rolled his eyes. "I hate it." 

"Tell her that," I told him. 

"I can't," He whispered. 

"How-" But I was interrupted. 

"Drakey?! What are you doing here? Especially with her?!" Pugface came into view. We both looked to her, and she seemed more than mad. 

"I was talking to her," He said rolling his eyes. 

"But she's a Mudblood!" She pointed. 

"And you're just an arrogant pureblood who doesn't know how to stay out of people's business!" Draco spat at her. 

Both of us were speechless. Did he just defend me? But...I can't...there's no way. 

"But...Drakey..." Her eyes got teary as I said that. "You don't mean that. She tricked you into falling for her," She glared at me. "I forgive you, Draco." And with that she walked away. No, stomped away. That's a better way of putting it. 

I stood there speechless. What just happened? 

"Well, I better go before your friends get here," He said and ran off. I could feel myself getting flushed. What's happening?!

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