Christmas Break

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The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and I spent our Christmas in the Grimmauld Place. It was nice seeing everyone together and happy for the holidays.

We gathered around the table for supper and gift exchange. I smiled wide when Mrs. Weasley rolled Mr. Weasley up to the table. He was safe and recovering. It made me happy that he didn't die.

"And Daddy's back!" Mrs. Weasley smiled. We all cheered. "Alright let's have a seat. Time for presents!"

We all sat down as Mrs. Weasley handed out gifts. I was excited because I knew what these were. It was a tradition since first year.

"And a big box for Ronald," Mr. Weasley chuckled. I smiled. It was great to see him talking and interacting well.

I opened mine up. A cap. With a B of course. It was the softest thing I had touched in years. I tried it on for Molly. She gave me a big smile, "Ah! It fits!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," I took it off to look at it more.

I heard footsteps on tile. I turned and Harry was making his way into the room. He had been talking with Sirius and Lupin. I thought it took a while, but that was just me.

"Let's get the table set now," Mrs. Weasley instructed. "Harry! Here you go!" She went over and handed him his gift as we set out the plates and knives.

After we had everything set up, Mr. Weasley grabbed his glass and lifted it high, "Here is a toast. To Bridget Meadows and Harry Potter. Without you two, I don't know if I'd be here today."

"To Bridget and Harry!" The other cheered.

I shook my head and smiled. Ah these Weasleys. Gotta love them.

After dinner we all did our own thing. I stayed close to my friends. "I can't understand why you wouldn't want to wear that, Ronald?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I find it quite dashing."

"Oh shut up Bridge," Ron grumbled. "I look like a complete idiot."

"Oh it's not as if you're not one already," Hermione griped back as we entered the main floor.

I turned to Harry, who was falling behind. He took a look into another room. "Mind if I join you?" I asked.

"Not at all," he gave me a little smile. We walked into the room. On the walls of the room was a large tree. I guessed it was their family tree with all the faces and names.

The small house elf that I had seen on the first day stopped before exiting next to us. "How dare you breath the same air as my master, you filthy halfbreeds."

I leant down next to him, "This is not your house to decide that. I don't give a shit what your master thinks or has to say. Just like on the first day I met you, I will punt you up those stairs. I have even more aggression now. Understand?"

"You little-"

"Kreacher!" Sirius hollered. "That's enough! Away with you!"

"Of course, master," he trembled and stumbled away. "Kreacher must live to serve the family of Black."

I watched him closely as he left, "Little shit." I heard Harry chuckled next to me.

"I'm sorry about him," Sirius apologized. "He's always been that way ever since I was young."

"It's fine," I waved it off. "There are still people like that who have done worse."

"So, did you grow up here?" Harry asked.

I looked around to the wall there were some places that would just be a black hole or dot. Like a name had been scratched off.

"It was my parents house, actually," he nodded and cane in to join us. "They offered it to Dumbledore as a meeting ground for the Order."

"So is this your family?" I asked.

"Yep," he nodded. "The Black family tree. I didn't like most of them."

I saw a name, "You're related to Bellatrix?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. "She was one of those I never did agree with."

He pointed to his name, "My parents did that after I had ran away." It was one of those black holes. "I was only 16. Went to your dad's Harry," Sirius gave a small smile.

I looked around. A name caught my eye but the face was blacked out. Eleanor. There was no last name. "Is that...?" I trailed off.

"Your grandmother," Sirius nodded. "Making us related by blood."

"So if we're related," I thought, "I'm not alone. Could I stay with you this summer?" I asked.

He smiled a genuine smile, "I'll have to chat with the order but I think that'll be fine."

"Could Harry stay too?" I asked.

"Bridget," he groaned.

"Well you weren't going too," I smirked.

"Yeah, because I don't want to bother him."

Sirius laughed, "You remind me so much of your father Harry. It's almost as if I see him when I look at you."

Harry seemed a little sad, "I...don't know about that. When I...when I was having my dream. When I was...watching Mr. Weasley get attacked...I wasn't watching it. It was almost as if...I was the snake. And in Dumbledore's office...I felt as if I just wanted to..." he stopped.

"You want to what?" I asked, grabbing his arm.

He shook his head. He seemed to be thinking for a moment, "Bridget, what did you mean when you said you were scared in the office?"

I took a deep breath, "So I can read people's emotions through their eyes. If I focus hard and long enough, I can see into their mind and hear their thoughts," I explained. "But that night, I couldn't reach you. Voldemort was blocking you from me. That was what made me scared. Not Voldemort or my dream or that Mr. Weasley was dying. I couldn't get to you when you needed me. I couldn't help. That's what scared me."

Harry seemed frighten and sad, "Am I...turning bad?" He asked. "And I turning into Voldemort?"

"You are nothing like Voldemort," Sirius grabbed his shoulder.

I grabbed his hand, "Yeah! Like for instance, you have hair and a nose!" I tried to lighten the mood of the room.

"Bridget," he looked to me, "I'm serious."

"So am I," I argued. "You have a good heart, Harry. One that he does not have."

"She right, you know?" Sirius nodded. "And you listen to me, Harry. Right now. You are a good person. You've just been through bad things. And your emotions are going everywhere because, puberty and growing up. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded.

"The world," Sirius continued, "is not split between the good and the bad. The Order and the Death Eaters. We all have both light and dark inside of us. It only matter what you chose to be."

I let go of Harry's hand. What Sirius said made a lot of sense. I understood a little more now. I watched as they hugged for a moment. Harry and Sirius then pulled me in for one. It was nice. To have family left and to have a warm heart.

"It's time to go, guys," Hermione knocked on the door once we let each other go.

"Once all of this passes," Sirius grabbed Harry's and my shoulder, "we can be a family. A normal, happy, check-on-your-grades, wake-up-to-coffee-and-toast family."

I grabbed his hand, "Thank you. Can't wait."

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