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Hello, I'm Bridget Meadows. I was born in Little Whinging, England, on November 14th. My family is a little crazy. Lots of misfortune. Growing up with an alcoholic mother can take a toll, but I've learned to take care of myself. She wouldn't get help when I tried to talk to her. She refused for years. She always seemed to blame me for...things. She'd get so angry...

But I got through it. With the help of my bestfriend, Harry Potter. We met in primary school, and we hit it off right when I walked into the classroom. We both wore glasses, and kind of looked like twins. Everyone thought so (except for our teacher of course). I was going to go up and say hi to him but we all had assigned seats, and I wasn't one to break the rules like that. I also didn't want to get on her bad side already.

Anyways, later on break time came about and I was sitting on my seat. I watched as the others would play with friends. I wished that I hadn't been so shy. I couldn't see Harry, although I tried to look for him. Now, with how I was, I didn't like to run or do exercise. But saying that, I wasn't fat, but I wasn't skinny either.

I sat in my seat, fiddling with my fingers, when I heard laughing coming from my right. It wasn't a good laugh. More of a teasing laugh. I looked up and saw a group of fat boys picking on someone. I couldn't see who it was because they were all surrounding the kid.

I was always the awkward, "sorry" person, so I never normally went up to people. But I hated bullying, I knew how it felt, and I never wanted anyone to feel that way. So this irked me. I stood up. Slowly, I walked over behind the boys.

"Uh-hum," I coughed. They turned around. It was Dudley Dursley and his goons. I didn't know him personally, but the teacher would always get onto him. I took a deep breath and said, "What kind of a game is that?"

He sneered, "What does it matter to you?"

I took a deep breath. He scared me, but I wasn't going to back down now. I had gotten so far. I looked to the person they had crowed. It was Harry. He was sniffling. His blue eyes shown sorrow. I felt really bad for him.

"Leave him alone," I looked to Dudley, standing my ground.

"Ha! Why should we? What are you going to do if we don't?" He said getting closer to me.

"I'll tell the teachers," I replied. "I will."

His eyes, along with the other goons, widened. They looked to each other, and ran to the playground. I was always a good snitch when I needed to be.

I looked at Harry, whose head was down staring at the ground. I walked up to him. "Hi."

He looked up to me and smiled, "Hi."

I didn't say anything. I didn't really move. I wasn't one to start a conversation. Thankfully, I didn't have to. Harry smiled at me, "Thank you got stopping them."

"You're welcome."

We both looked around for a second, in silence. I was waiting for him to start the conversation.

"So, what's your name?" He asked.

"Bridget. What about you?"

"Harry. Nice to meet you, Bridget."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Wanna be friends?" He asked.

I smile, "Yeah, I'd like that."

We both ran around, then settled on the bench. We started to talk and get to know each other. We figured out that we have somethings in common, and we kind of look alike too. We both wear glasses. We both kind of have a butt chin. The only things different are our eyes and hair.

I had a sort of hazelnut type of color while his hair was basically black. He had bright blue eyes I was almost jealous of. I had plain brown ones. Occasionally, he told me that my eyes would get scarlet, orange, maroon, or nearly black. His were almost always blue.

That weekend we realized how close we lived. He lived on 4 Privet Drive; I lived on 5 Privet Drive. Right next to each other.

From then on we spent practically every day together. We got to know each other really well, and we were always there for each other. When we turned 8, we both promised to always be friends; no matter what happens.

No matter what happens.

Authors Note: this is probably my shortest chapter in this thing. Get ready.

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