Summer Time

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"Oh Bridget!" I was engulfed with a hug as I entered the Weasley household. I hugged onto Mrs. Weasley. It was different not being home, but I guess I was used to it. She let go and grabbed onto my shoulders, "It's wonderful to have you here, darling! Your room is up the stairs, until you reach the last floor from the top. It's Percy's old room, but since he's not living here, you can stay in there."

"Thank you," I smiled. "It really means a lot that you guys are keeping me here."

"Oh, you're family now," she waved me off. "It's what family is for. Now go on, and fix your room the way you'd like. Ronald, go show her."

Ron and I walked up the stairs. We started talking, "So, what do you guys do in the summer?"

"Work and sometimes we'll go on vacations depending on Dad's work schedule. You'll probably work with Mum."

"Sounds like fun," I thought for a moment.

"I'm going to be sleeping above you," he mentioned. "Like a floor up. So if you have trouble sleeping or something, just come get me."

"Alright," I nodded. "The only reason I shouldn't be able to sleep is from your snoring," I joked.

He chuckled, "Oh shut up." He began talking again, "Ginny is a couple floors down whenever you want to hang with her."

"Sounds like a lot of fun," I nodded. We climbed the stairs. I started up again, "What do you think was the best part about this last year?"

"Hmm....probably Dumbledore's Army. It was actually fun to learn something."

"I'm glad."

"What about you?"

I thought for a moment. I took a breath and smiled, "The twins explosives."

"Yeah, that was pretty funny," Ron laughed. "Hey, Bridge, can I ask you something?"


"How did you know?" He asked. I was confused as to what he was asking. I figured he could tell as he continued, "How did you know you liked Draco? How did you know it was Draco?"

I thought about his question. All the memories flooded back. From when we ran into each other, multiple times to him waiting by my hospital bed. I smiled, "I don't know. I think I just did. It's a feeling you get that you can't shake." He didn't reply. "Why? Do you like somebody?"

He took a deep breath, "That's the thing. I don't know. What does that feeing feel like?"

"It feels..." I entered the room that was supposed to be mine, "warm. Like sipping a cup of warm tea by a fireplace. Or when you see someone after a long time of never seeing them."

He nodded.

"Who do you like?"

He shook his head, "Well...Uh...I have to go. I can hear mum calling for me. But before I go, I need to let you know: Hermione's coming a few days before we go back. Dumbledore asked her to."

"That's fine," I watched him as he left. That's weird. I didn't hear his mother calling for him.

I set my trunk on my new bed. The walls were bare. No decorations. Just a decent sized bed and a couple dressers with a bedside table. He seemed like a very boring person. I took everything out and sorted it.

I looked contently at the newly decorated room. With a nod, I went downstairs to socialize with my new family members.

As the summer went on, nothing really happened. Literally. I would help Mrs. Weasley with things then spend time with either Ginny or Ron. The Twins were off in Diagon Alley. The others had jobs and such.

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