Great Ending of 3rd Year

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"We have to go!" I watched Hermione grab Harry's wrist and took off towards the tower. I ran after them and we headed back towards the Hospital Wing. The bells rang out loud. Oh snap...

We ran towards the door as Dumbledore was leaving. I sighed in relief. He turned and looked at us, "Well?"

"We did it sir," I smiled. 

"We saved him," Harry spoke up. 

"Save who?" Dumbledore asked as he turned to walk down the stairs. "Good day."

I smiled and waved at him. We peeked through the doors. The old us were just leaving. They dissappeared and we came in. Ron seemed puzzled, "How'd you get over there? You were just over there!" 

"That's ridiculous," Hermione spoke up. 

"Yeah, what would make you think that, Ron?" Harry asked. 

"It's not like someone can be in two places at once," I laughed. Hermione and Harry started to laugh as well. It wasn't a nervous laugh; it was more of a 'we know the truth' laugh. Poor Ronald. 


Harry and I walked side by side through the corridor. It was now the last full day of Hogwarts. Last night was the last dinner at Hogwarts until next year. We walked into the classroom. We both thought it was a good idea to check up on him. We walked up the stairs and into the office. I noticed on his desk was the map, open. 

"Hello, Bridget and Harry." 

I smiled and looked around. His bags were mostly packed. 

"How'd you-" 

"I saw you coming on the map," Lupin answered Harry's question. 

"Why are you packing?" I asked. 

He sighed, and started to rip up some papers. 

"Did you get fired?" Harry asked. 

"No," he shook his head and threw the papers into-what I expected to be-his fire place. "I resigned."

My jaw dropped, "But why, sir? You were the best Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher we've had." Harry and I walked up to his desk as he continued. 

"Because...someone let it slip about my...illness. I suspect that the owls will be arriving and parents would not want their children being taught by someone like me." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, Who would've told? The only ones who know are: Hermione, Ron, Harry, Snape-SNAPE! It could've been Snape! But who would he tell it to that they'd care...Dumbledore? I bet he already knew though. He knows, like, everything. 

"But, what about Dumbledore-" 

"He's already risked enough for me," Remus answered while zipping up his suitcase. "And, besides, I've gotten used to it." 

My heart sunk for Remus. The fact that it's hard for him to get a job because of something that he can't control is completely...completely rubbish! It's not like he'd turn at work. It's not like it's his choice!

"Why do you both look so saddened?" 

"Pettigrew still escaped," Harry answered. 

I sighed, "Really? I'm going to strangle you." 

"What? It's just-" 

"No," I looked at him. "Our best professor has to leave because of something he can't control, and your worried about a stupid rat. Yeah, I understand what he did to your parents. But who knows, maybe he'll get ran over by the train and his little guts will go every where."

They both looked to me with wide eyes. 

"What?" I asked. "It could happen." 

"Anyways," Remus laughed, "at least you were able to uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man. It was worth it." He picked up his suitcase and carried over to the rest of his stuff. 

I sighed, "I'm sorry Professor Lupin." 

He set down his baggage and turned back, "What?" 

"I'm sorry for making your face more messed up. And I'm sorry for attacking you." 

He laughed and shook his head, "You did what you had to do to survive. And I can't remember anything anyways. So you shouldn't worry about it." 

"I know," I softly smiled up at him. 

"And," he picked up his coat and came over to us, "since I'm not your teacher anymore, I am giving this back to you." He pointed to the map. 

I smiled, Yes! 

"But, you need to be careful with it. And, Bridget, keep him in check with it." 

"I don't even think I'll keep myself in check, but I'll do my best." 

He patted my head, "Well, I believe this is a good-bye. I know that we'll see again sometime. For now, mishief managed." The paper folded back up and the words dissappeared. He nodded at the both of us and started to head out of the door. Harry and I watched as he limped down the stairs. He limped out of the classroom. Part of me wanted to stop him and give him a hug...but I didn't. We were going to meet again. I would make sure. 


"Harry! Bridget!" Neville came running up to us from a crowd at the Gryffindor table. "Where'd you even get it?!" 

"What?" I asked. 

"Could I give it a go?" Seamus came up to Harry and I. "After you guys, obviously." 

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked. 

"Let them through," Ron told them. The group parted like the Red Sea. On the table, laid two Firebolts. My eyes got wide. "I didn't mean to open it," Ron apologized. "They made me!" 

"No, we didn't," the Weasley twins said in unison, partially smiling. 

"I don't care," I laughed. "And I bet I know who it's from." 

"Oh really?" Harry smirked. 

"Yep," I grabbed it. "Do we know who it came from?" 

"There was a note and a feather," Hermione handed me the note and Harry the feather. Harry smiled and we both took our items. 

To my wonderful godson and favorite mini-me, Padfoot. I laughed and put the note in my pocket. "So, I was right." 

"Once again." 

We both took off towards the clock tower. We entered the square. Bunches of students followed us. They were asking so many questions, so I just decided to not say anything. I mounted my broom next to Harry. Within seconds, we were off into the sky. I hollered with joy as I rode through the sky. It really is the fastest broom. Thank you, Sirius. 

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