Grimmauld Place

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After Harry and I talked for a bit, we heard a thunk from another room. "What was that?"

"I'm not sure," I stood up. It happened again. It almost sounded like...

"It's upstairs," Harry took out his wand and headed towards the stairs. 

I followed, "Wait." 

He stopped at the bottom, "What?" He whispered. 

"I'll go first," I raised my lit wand as I climbed the stairs. He didn't argue. We ascended, and the sound was getting louder (as to be expected). It led us to a door with Sirius's name carved into it. It stung my heart. 

I opened the door. There wasn't a form of life within the room. Although, it was rather strange. I went over to a dresser while Harry went to play with, what looked to be, skeletons from pixies. Everything seemed like it hasn't been taken care of. Dusty and dirty.

I picked up an old moving photo. Four young boys were gathered around a tree. One had glasses and looked a lot like Harry. I smirked, Must be James. One of them had longer, curly hair; he seemed mischievous. Sirius. Another boy looked a bit messy with a few scars on his face. I knew who that was. My smile faded as I looked to the other boy. He had a cowardly stance; his rather bucked teeth made my blood boil. 

I continued to examine the photo. They were at the base of a very familiar tree. The boys were laughing while the tree swayed behind them. Then I noticed an animal at their feet. It was a fluffy orange cat. It seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

"Hey, Bridge," Harry called me over. He had moved to Sirius' bedside table. I held onto the photo as I made my way to him. He was holding a textbook, "Look; a History of Magic textbook. It's so old." 

I held up the photo from my hand, "Look what I found." 

He set the book down as he stared at the picture. He took the picture, "That's my dad." 

"And Sirius, and Remus, and Peter," I nodded. 

"They look like their our age," Harry smiled. 

"They look happy." 

"Harry?" Ron's voice broke me from my thoughts. "Bridget? Come here. I might've found something!" He called out. 

We left the room and met up with Ron and Hermione. Ron led us to the thing he found. It was a room. A completely messy room. I entered first; Hermione followed. "This sure looks lovely." 

"It looks ransacked," I commented. "Like someone was looking for something...Like in second year, when Harry had the notebook. You guys remember? And someone sacked his trunk for it?" 

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "I remember." 

"Look," Ron pointed to the top of the door. My jaw nearly dropped. 

"Regulus Arcturus Black?" Hermione turned to us. 

"R. A. B." Ron and I nodded. 

We all went back downstairs to try and discus the situation before us. Harry reread the note,
"R. A. B." 

"Regulus Arcturus Black," I nodded. 

"He was Sirius' brother," Ron concluded. 

"Right," Hermione agreed. "But was he able to actually destroy it?" 

"I highly doubt it," I shook my head. "He wouldn't have had the resources here to destroy it. And didn't you see his room? Someone was looking for it or someone fought him for it in there." 

A noise came from one of the doors. We all stood up without making any sounds. I got out my wand; as did my friends. Harry went over to the door. I was about to whisper to him when he opened the door. Kreature was hiding within a supplies closet. Harry drug him out, "So you've been spying on us this whole time?" 

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