So Many Emotions

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"Harry should have a right to know," Sirius's voice echoed back to us. The boys came up with a contraption: an ear on a string that'd let you hear things a good ways apart.

"And Bridget, of course," Lupin added.

"Yeah. If they hadn't of gone or told us, we'd never have know that you-know-who was back," Sirius agreed. "He's only a kid."

"Well he's sure not an adult, Sirius," Molly piped up. "He's not James."

"Well he's not your son."

I covered my mouth, Oooo. He got her.

"He's just as my son as Bridget is my daughter," she snipped. I smiled. "We're the only people those kids have left."

Ginny came up next to me. "Hey Ginny," Harry and I whispered in unison. Ginny said hi and put her hand on my shoulder. I held it as we continued to listen in.

"Who knows," Snape's voice cut in. "Maybe he'll be a felon like his own godfather is."

"Get out of this, Snivellus," Sirius griped.

"Wait a minute," I said. "Snivellus? Really?"

"Why is Snape part of the order?" Harry asked.

"Who knows," Ron shrugged.

The adults continued to talk while my thoughts went somewhere else. I saw Crookshanks getting closer to the ear, "Guys," I tapped Fred on the shoulder.

They seemed to noticed because George began to lift up the ear. Crookshanks was faster though, he caught the ear. We were all shouting in a whisper at Crookshanks to stop.

"I'll get him," I whispered.

"No, Bridge," Ginny tried to stop me. I kept going down the stairs.

I got to the main floor. I picked up the fat cat, "Give. Give Bridget the ear."

The door opened. There stood Snape and Molly. They both looked at me then the cat.

"I wanted to play with Crookshanks," I explained. "I came to get him. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Snape squinted his eyes, "Could you be...lying again, Ms. Meadows?"

"Actually," I cleared my throat, "if you take a look at last year, I wasn't the one lying. One of the teachers were. And I was right. So you cannot blame that on me."

He huffed before walking back into the dining room. Molly smiled, "Glad to see you happy dear. Children!" She called out. One by one they began to come down the stairs...except for Fred and George. She continued with a smile on her face, "We'll be eating in the kitchen today."

A pop came and I watched as Molly jumped. The twins were right next to her. She hit them with her hands playfully, "Oh! Just because you can now use magic, legally, out of school doesn't mean you need to use magic for everything!"

They, as well as Ginny, went into the kitchen. Mr. Weasley came over, "You two doing alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Mr. Harry Potter," Sirius's voice came from behind the Weasley's. "Bridget Meadows."

"Sirius!" Hardy had never seen so happy to see someone. Well, except for me of course. Or Ron. Or Hermione.

Harry and Sirius gave each other a hug. I smiled, Well at least Harry had some remaining family left.

"Hello Bridget," Lupin nodded.

"Hello Professor," I smiled.

"You can call me Lupin now," he chuckled. "I'm not your teacher."

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