Camping With Horcruxes

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I sat up on the crunched leaves beneath me. Hermione was hoovering over Ron, "He was splinched! Harry, quick! I need you to grab a bottle from my bag that says Dittiny!" 

I got up and ran over to Ron and Hermione. Ron's arm looked nearly severed. He was in a lot of pain, I could tell. I knelt down, "Is splinching like a deep gash?"

"Yes, why?" Hermione was in a panic. 

"Move," I gestured her. 

"Bridge, you're not famili-"

"I'm not debating about this. Move." My best friend stood up. I traced my arm over Ron's arm, "Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur." The blood was starting to seep back into him arm. Harry handed me the bottle Hermione was talking about. I grabbed it. I opened it. It smelt kind of funking, but I wasn't about to judge. Not if it was going to save my other best friend's life. I applied it before going back to the spell. 

While I did this, Hermione was putting up a force field type thing around what I was going to assume was our base. Hermione instructed Harry to set up the tent. I helped Ron sit up, "I need to bandage you up." 

He nodded. I took out the wrapping. I started to bandage up his arm. He looked to me, "You saved my life, Bridge. Again."

"No, Harry saved your life the first time."

"But now you did." 

I sighed, pinning the bandage to a sling for his arm. I set his arm in the sling. I helped him to his feet, "Let's get you in the tent. Maybe find you some pain pills." 


We got up the next morning, as usual. I checked Ron's arm and gave him some pain pills. Hermione and Harry wanted to try and destroy the locket. I handed over the locket, "It's not going to work." 

Hermione set it on a rock, "We've got to try." 

"No..." I sighed. "You need a very destructive artifact. Like basilisk venom. Which that's only on the Sword of Gryffindor that nobody can find. It's also in basilisk fangs, but we don't have one of those either. A simple spell isn't going to do the trick, unless it's the killing curse. This isn't going to work." 


I rolled my eyes and went back into the hut. I grabbed a book Hermione brought: Secrets of the Dark Arts. I had snatched it from Dumbledore's office after he died. I sat in a chair as I opened it. I flipped through the pages, trying to find something helpful and interesting. 

I found the pages with dark magical creatures. I always found magical creatures to be fascinating, good or bad.  

From the outside of the tent I heard they shoot mulitple spells at it. I looked up right as Ron entered the tent. He sighed, "It's no use. Nothing's working." 

"Told you so," I looked back to my book as I flipped the page. "Like always."

"So, how'd you say we needed to destroy it?" Ron asked

Hermione entered as well. "Harry has gone for a walk. No clue when he'll come back." 

"Here, read this," I stood up and handed the book to Hermione. "It says in there how we need to destroy the horcruxes. Dumbledore told me that we should try to look for four more horcruxes. He's thinking Voldemort created seven. He's destroyed two. We have one. So we need to start thinking about how to find the rest. But right now, I'm going to talk to Harry." 

"How come Dumbledore told you all this," Ron asked, "but not us?" 

I sighed, "I don't know. You guys were busy last year; I wasn't. I spent a lot of time with him and other professors. He also saw me as a granddaughter. It was easy for him to talk about things to me." I left the tent. I tranformed into my dog animagus. I sniffed the air. Southwest, about two to five minutes. I ran in that direction. 

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