Back to School

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As soon as I woke up I noticed I was alone. I sat up, examining my surroundings. I was in the Hospital Wing. In the same uncomfortable bed as before. On the stand beside me were: my glasses, Walkman and headphones, some books, a picture of my grandparents, my bracelet and pocket watch, and some treats. I smiled. I have the best people in my life.

"Well, I see your up," I looked over and saw Madame Pomfrey coming my way.

I smiled and nodded, "Yep."

She came over and felt my forehead, "You should be out of here by tomorrow."

"How long have I been in here?" I asked. Wait, what happened with Harry?! I hope he's okay...

"Oh, not that long," She added, stepping away. "A day or two. I need to see the bandages."

Bandages? What bandages?

She came over and lifted up my shirt about half way up my chest. There were bandages around my torso. I must've broken some ribs. No dip, Bridget. You flew and hit a tree. "Yeah, you won't be in here much longer."

She poked my ribs. No pain. I smiled. She looked at me, "Do you want me to notify your house and Dumbledore?"

"Yes please," I told her. "That would be most appreciated."

She nodded and left. I looked around and nobody was around. I grabbed my Walkman and headphones.

I put one on my right ear and left the other one off. That way I could hear myself. I was gonna sing, which I haven't done since people caught me. I haven't for a while. Maybe it might be able to help me pass time by.

(Monsters; Katie Sky)

I see your monsters,
I see your pain.
Tell me your problems,
I'll chase them away.

I'll be your lighthouse,
I'll make it okay,
When I see your monsters
I'll stand there so brave
And chase them all away.

As I sang the last note, I took a deep breath. I know this thing by heart.

I heard people from the entrance cheering and clapping. I turned and almost the entire Gryffindor house was in the doorway. Dumbledore was in the front. Clapping. I laughed as I saw Hermione, Ron, and Harry running towards me. I slipped out of the bed. I was a little unstable but other than that nothing hurt. Each one of them gave me a hug.

"I thought you died at first, Bridge," Ron explained while he gave me a hug. I'm glad I'm able to hear him say that nickname again.

"Don't you ever try and save me like that again," Harry demanded while hugging me. I couldn't help but laugh. Oh Harry, if only you knew.

"I'm so proud of you, Bridget! But that wasn't the smartest way to go about saving Harry. You nearly got yourself killed," Hermione said, nearly crying.

After everyone's 'Welcome Back's, Madame Pomfrey ushered everyone out. Then Dumbldore came over to me, "How are you doing, Bridget?"

"Better," I told him.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked.

"Yes," I said. "I know. I was saving Harry from Voldemort. I was there you know?" I giggled a little to show I was joking around.

He nodded, "You should know, your grandparents would be so proud."

I smiled. I wish I could've met them.

"And thank you for keeping your word," Dumbledore said, grabbing my hand. "I hope you continue keep to your word."

"I will," I told him. "I always will."

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