Attacked On The Hogwarts Train

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My eyes opened to see a cat butthole in my face. I groaned and pushed Iris, "Get your rear end out of my face."

She meowed and rubbed her head on mine as a wake up call. I sat up, and flew the covers off of me. I got my feet on the ground. I stood up. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Wow, don't I look like a mess? I laughed to myself.

I took out my hair from its ponytail. I ran my fingers through it, and put it halfway up. "Today we go back to Hogwarts, Iris. Aren't you excited?!" I turned to her.

Focusing on her eyes, I heard her, Not really. You're just excited to go to see Drakey.

"I am not," I grabbed my books and set them on my bed. I opened up my trunk and set them in there. I closed my trunk, "Now let's go check on Harry."

Within seconds, I heard a thud along with rushes footsteps. I turned and grabbed Iris, "Let's hurry and get over there."

I opened my door, and turned to the next room over. I knocked on the door, "Harry?"

"Come on in Bridge, but be careful."

I opened the door and stepped in. Harry was on his bed, looking down at the ground. "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked.

My question was soon answered. A brown object came out from under his bed. It rushed towards me. I set down Iris, and quickly picked it up. It tried to bite me a couple of times, but I kept it's mouth shut as I stroked its binder.

"You're supposed to stroke it's binding before opening," I smiled at him, and closed the book. I threw it at him and he caught it.

"Thanks," he told me as he got out of bed. He set it on his bed and opened up his truck which was already lying on the floor. I called over Iris and picked her back up.

I leaned up against the wall, "Should we go see if they're here yet?"

He closed his trunk and stood up. He looked over at me, "Why not?"

We walked out of his room. I was about to walk in a hallway to head to the stairs when a small grey rat flew in front of me. A big, orange, fluff followed.

I laughed as I followed them. I could hear the bickering between the brunette and ginger. I walked over to the steps.

"I'll warn you now, 'Mione! Keep that bloody pig away from Scabbers or I'll make it into a tea cup!" His voice echoed pretty loud.

"He's a cat, Ronald. What did you expect? It's his nature."

Harry and I started to walk down the wooden stairs.

"A cat? They got it wrong. Looks more like a pig with hair."

"Well, you both need to be careful with your pets. I wouldn't want mine to be getting pregnant, Hermione. And I would hate for Iris' hairball to be your gross rodent," I spoke up.

Hermione turned and smiled. Ron looked up and smiled.

"Harry! Bridget!" Hermione seemed very happy to see me more than Harry. Just by a little bit though.

"Hey Bridge. Hey Harry," Ron told us.

I continued to descend down the stairs. I got down next to Hermione. Ron walked us over to one of the tables. I sat next to Hermione while Harry took a seat by Ron.

He pulled out a picture of the Weasley family, "Take a look at this."

"So how was Egypt anyways?" I asked.

"Brilliant! Lots of old tombs and stuff! I believe Scabbers even enjoyed himself."

"You know, the Egyptians used to worship cats," Hermione adjusted Crookshanks.

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